The saga of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is drawing to a close and there’s only one more fighter left to be revealed, barring a surprise last-minute reprieve from Masahiro Sakurai in the form of another Fighters Pass. Sakurai has been adamant that there are no more Smash Bros. Fighters Passes, so the DLC will cap at twelve fighters, with the final character being number 82 on the roster.

The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC has had its highs and lows. There were some amazing third-party reps, with few arguing that Joker belonged in the game, especially as he brought Persona & Shin Megami Tensei representation into Super Smash Bros. The Dragon Quest franchise is another one that deserves a character spot in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, especially considering its popularity in Japan. It seems that the only fighters the majority people were iffy on were the first-party Nintendo characters, as Byleth suffered from the abundance of Fire Emblem heroes, while the appearance of ARMS and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 characters felt (to some fans) like something that should have been in the base game.


There is only one Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter left to reveal and it’s not clear when Sakurai and his team will make the announcement. The last DLC character was revealed at E3 and the only other event that isn’t a Nintendo Direct where fighters are announced is The Game Awards – the next of which is not due to take place until December. It’s likely that the final Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter will be revealed during a Nintendo Direct, but who was the last character to be revealed?

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The Penultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighter

As of the time of writing, the last Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character to be revealed was Kazuya from TekkenHe was revealed during the E3 2021 Nintendo Direct and released on June 29. Kazuya is a heavy brawler with a wide variety of moves and combos but is also a character who is extremely punishable, with slow startup on a lot of attacks and a weak recovery move. Kazuya hasn’t been out for very long and the competitive Super Smash Bros. Ultimate scene has stalled due to the pandemic, so it’s unclear yet how good he really is in tournaments.

The expectations for the final Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character are sky-high, yet it wouldn’t be out of character for the last Smash DLC fighter to be someone unexciting, especially considering how the first Fighters Pass ended. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has one of the greatest rosters in video game history, and even if the final character was Tingle from The Legend of Zelda it wouldn’t diminish the incredible job that Sakurai and his team have accomplished.

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