9-1-1 Lone Star‘s TK Strand is no stranger to danger, and his frequent run-ins with death are plot devices to further characterize Owen, his father and the series protagonist. The cast of 9-1-1 Lone Star spends a lot of the show in dangerous situations for the sake of heroically saving someone. However, no one has brushed death as many times as Ronen Rubinstein’s TK Strand.

Over 9-1-1 Lone Star‘s three seasons, TK Strand has almost died multiple times. Starting with his overdose in the pilot episode, he seems to get himself into dangerous predicaments season after season. TK has been shot by a child, trapped in a hostage situation, and has almost died in the aftermath of a car accident; put in harm’s way more than any other 9-1-1 Lone Star characters. In the season 3 midseason finale, TK strand is in the hospital with hypothermia, as the show teases whether or not he will wake up.


Ultimately, it comes down to the show returning to form and keeping the stakes high for his father, Owen Strand (Rob Lowe). TK’s original overdose was the catalyst that finally made Owen decide to move to Texas in the first place. While the job offer and his lung tumor were contributing factors, the reason that really made them relocate was TK’s overdose and relapse into drug addiction. This moment shows how Owen may not make the best decisions for himself, but he will protect his loved ones as best he can. Every time Owen strays from his path, TK’s possible death grounds the character and brings him back to what’s important—and with 9-1-1 Lone Star season 3’s closure of Station 126, Owen needs to remember what’s important.

Additionally, TK’s multiple near-death experiences raise the stakes for Owen through the show. It’s clear that Owen is willing to risk his life in order to save others, or else he wouldn’t have worked to save all those people on 9/11 at great risk to himself. Also, Owen is the show’s main character. Until 9-1-1 Lone Star is close to ending, it’s likely Owen’s wellbeing won’t ever legitimately be at risk, and that can make the show feel predictable and unexciting. By giving Owen someone to care about more than himself, in addition to making that character somewhat disposable, the show has raised the stakes for Owen while out on these dangerous jobs. For Owen, losing TK would be worse than losing himself.

Obviously, TK’s close calls also develop his character throughout the show as well, and his experience in 9-1-1 Lone Star‘s major snowstorm is no different. TK is portrayed as an incredibly caring if troubled man through the way he deals with each experience. After being shot by a child, his first concern after waking up in the hospital bed was making sure the child was okay. This characterization can only come from high-stress moments. However, his characterization is still tied to Owen, and without the near-constant threat of his death, Owen’s 9-1-1 Lone Star storylines would look a lot different.

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