It’s been twenty years since The Legend of Dragoon released in North America for the Sony PlayStation. Despite the JRPG coming toward the end of the original PlayStation’s life-cycle, it was hugely successful. Sales were especially impressive in North America, where the game sold better than in Japan, and fans have been clamoring for a sequel ever since. Rumors of a Legend of Dragoon remake surfaced in 2019, but so far there’s been nothing confirmed from Sony. Now, with the PS5 scheduled for release later this year, the time is ripe for a Legend of Dragoon remake.

Although critics are quick to point out the lackluster story that often plays like a Greatest Hits album of JRPG tropes, the original Legend of Dragoon game set itself apart from other popular series like Final Fantasy in several ways. It offered an “Additions” system, which added timed button presses to rack up more damage. The game’s traditional turn-based combat also differed from many of its JRPG counterparts by featuring the ability to transform into Dragoons, “dragon knights” with special abilities akin to the Limit Breaks used in Final Fantasy VII. The game also featured breath-taking cinematic cutscenes that were fully voice-acted, which felt especially ahead of its time.


The graphical capabilities of the PS5 could push those breath-taking cinematics from the PSOne into all-new territory. The features of the new DualSense controller could also work well with The Legend of Dragoon’s Additions system, since simply pressing buttons in a timely manner for combos no longer feels quite so innovative. The built-in microphone could even be used for players to “call out” Additions, and the haptic feedback feature could allow fans to feel what it’s like to fly through the sky as Dragoons. Adding in a VR experience similar to what Monster of the Deep did for Final Fantasy XV feels like a no-brainer. The possibilities are endless.

It’s The Perfect Time For A Legend of Dragoon Remake

Now, if Sony is willing, history can repeat itself. In the late nineties, the incredible success of Final Fantasy VII in North America laid the groundwork for other JPRGs to breakout big in the West. The Legend of Dragoon was Sony’s attempt at creating an in-house property that could cash in on the growing success of the genre. The same thing can happen again now. Fresh off the resounding success of Final Fantasy VII Remake, a Legend of Dragoon remake could create another hit for Sony on the PS5 just like it did on the original PlayStation.

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There’s certainly a market for a Legend of Dragoon remake. When the game appeared on PSN, it quickly shot to the number two spot under the PSOne Classics category (once again, it was beaten out by Final Fantasy VII, which took the #1 spot). The PS5 seems like the perfect console for this sprawling epic, which took up four full discs on the PlayStation. The real question is, will Sony finally give fans the remake they’ve been asking for? With more news of the PS5 coming out on a regular basis, perhaps fans yearning for a Legend of Dragoon remake will soon get one.

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