The Arrowverse’s Batman is purposefully the opposite of the DCEU version of the Dark Knight. Bruce Wayne/Batman is a bit of an enigma in the Arrowverse. He’s been referenced across several of the shared universe’s shows — namely, Arrow and Batwoman — and Kevin Conroy, who voiced the character in Batman: The Animated Series, even played the Earth-99 iteration during the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover. And, while Earth-Prime’s Batman has never actually appeared in person, it’s obvious that he operated under extreme secrecy and nuance, whereas the DCEU Batman very much did not. 


In the Arrowverse, Batman’s existence was practically a myth. During the 2018 “Elseworlds” crossover, Green Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl visited Gotham City for the first time and the Emerald Archer wasn’t very convinced that there was a Batman at all. Of course, he changed his mind when he met Kate Kane’s Batwoman, who herself is the cousin of Batman. However, the lack of proper acknowledgement by the Green Arrow, who had obviously been to Gotham before (and had a romantic rendezvous with radio host Vesper Fairchild), suggests that Batman was fairly low-key about his nightly vigilante activities. 

The Caped Crusader likely kept to the shadows even more so than usual. While he was obviously known enough that citizens noticed his absence following his mysterious disappearance, Batman had become more of a fabled legend outside of Gotham’s city limits. It’s a stark contrast to that of his fellow Arrowverse superheroes, who had secret identities, but were known in their respective cities and throughout the country thanks to the crossovers. While the Arrowverse’s Batman allegedly killed the Joker, he was a lot more secretive about his work than his DCEU counterpart, who seemingly wants everyone in the city to know that he is watching. 

Batman as a legend in the Arrowverse is a contrast to the DCEU’s Batman, whose actions are incredibly public. In Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, the Dark Knight is known to instill fear in his enemies, employing scare tactics to pull information from them. He even goes so far as to brand villains, which signals to others that they could also have the same fate if they dared to step out of line. Batman also has a Bat-Tank, which is pretty hard to ignore as he drives it around the city at night looking for his enemies. All of these things make Batman’s existence as a vigilante rather obvious to Gotham’s villains and citizens alike. 

All told, the differences in the way each Batman operates is a good thing because it means that the Arrowverse and the DCEU can continue standing apart. Presenting unique iterations of Batman also provides fans with multiple interpretations of the same character, which is useful considering there are so many. While all versions of the Dark Knight will always have certain things in common — the death of Bruce’s parents, Alfred Pennyworth, the Batcave, and the vigilante’s core mission — it’s important that the various characters (similar to how doppelgangers operate) aren’t exactly the same. It not only keeps the narrative refreshing, but it showcases the ways in which Batman can change the way he operates depending on the story parameters. 

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