The Mandalorian season 2, episode 6 saw Baby Yoda exercise the Force in some quite dramatic displays – but he finds doing so to be absolutely exhausting. Otherwise known as Grogu, Baby Yoda is the third member of Yoda’s species to have been seen in Star Wars canon. Little is known of them to date, but they appear to fulfil an idea George Lucas dreamed up all the way back in 1977. “It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans,” he explained. “Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells.

In The Mandalorian season 2, episode 6, Din Djarin took Baby Yoda to a Force Vergence called the “Seeing Stone” on the planet Tython. It’s not entirely clear what happened to Baby Yoda while he was on the Seeing Stone, but he clearly found the experience exhausting. It does appear to have awakened Grogu’s Force-sensitivity, which according to Ahsoka he had repressed for years, because afterwards he used the Force quite spectacularly against two Stormtroopers. Again, though, after doing so Grogu slumped down and fell unconscious. But why did he find using the Force to be so tiring?


The original trilogy suggested Force-users can perform almost any feat, limited only by their faith. In The Empire Strikes Back, Master Yoda insisted the only difference between levitating rocks and an X-wing is in a Force-user’s own mind. The old Expanded Universe built upon this, with Luke Skywalker in particular performing ever more impressive feats, walking over lava lakes and bringing down Imperial Star Destroyers with the Force alone. Writers Timothy Zahn and Michael Stackpole felt the Jedi had become too powerful, though, and introduced the idea that each being has a personal Force reservoir that they can draw upon. When a Jedi has used the Force too much, they are left exhausted and unable to focus, and they frequently fall unconscious. Although these stories are no longer canon, it looks as though Star Wars has absorbed that concept into the Disney era.

There is presumably a link between a person’s midi-chlorian count and their personal Force reservoir, so you would expect Baby Yoda’s limits to be quite high. The situation is likely a little more complicated, though, simply because Baby Yoda is only young, and it has potentially been decades since he drew upon the Force to any considerable extent. What’s more, it is unclear how much he has been trained in the first place, given the Jedi Order fell while he was still a Youngling. It’s likely he is actually accessing the Force on an instinctive level, and thus potentially burning himself out too much.

The interesting question is whether or not Baby Yoda is falling to the dark side. Certainly Ahsoka feared this possibility, believing Grogu had established too strong an attachment to Din Djarin to be trained as a Jedi. The dark side is not more powerful, but it is quicker and easier, meaning he is surely feeling the seductive influence of the dark side as he struggles to defend himself from Moff Gideon and his Stormtroopers. Fortunately, Lucasfilm has recently suggested children like Baby Yoda are innately balanced in the Force, without an obvious alignment to either the light or dark sides. That may protect Baby Yoda from the dark side in The Mandalorian season 2 – but it’s impossible to say how long that will last.

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