When the new trailer for the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was revealed, it provided a wealth of new theories and speculations about the game. One of the most noticeable details were changes to Link’s design and attire, complete with a free-flowing hairstyle. The alterations were so dramatic, new theories began postulating the reasons behind Link’s appearance.

The clearest change to Link’s design is his left arm, adding him, alongside Edward Elric and Finn the Human, to list of blonde-haired, teenaged heroes with amputated, magical arms. The promotional image for the 2019 teaser is Link’s arm being overtaken by the glowing force swirling about the mummified Ganondorf under Hyrule. The first character featured in the 2021 gameplay trailer is Link, with his arm being overtaken by malice. Given the otherwise mysterious nature of both trailers, Nintendo has made this feature so obvious it calls to mind Ocarina of Time‘s Navi shouting, “Hey! Listen!”


As the gameplay trailer opens up beyond dark, malice-ridden caverns, Link’s left arm looks completely different. Later portions of the Breath of the Wild sequel trailer imply Link has a new arm entirely, imbued with ancient technology. Past the shoulder, Link’s left side now bears grey scars which mimic the style of ancient tech such as the Sheikah Slate. The tech in this arm seems responsible for new BOTW2 gameplay abilities, such as traveling upward through stone walls and a new twist on BOTW‘s stasis. It even seems to function as a flamethrower.

The Deeper Meaning Behind Link’s Altered Appearance in BOTW2

Yet Link’s arm isn’t the only feature dramatically featured in the trailer’s breakout shot. Just as Zelda’s hair was a fan-favorite detail in the 2019 teaser, so was Link’s hair in BOTW 2’s E3 trailer. Link appears to have gotten a larger makeover, allowing his previously bound hair flow luxuriously in the wind. There are a few shots where Link’s hair appears in a hair-tie once more, and those shots are notably when he’s also in his old Champion’s Tunic.

The fact that Link’s old hair appears contemporaneously with Link’s old outfit could be a key detail. Paired with the outfit featured in the free-falling shot, Link’s new look is strikingly similar to the Hero From 10,000 Years Ago from Breath of the Wild. Interestingly, the Sheikah tapestry depicting the hero only shows one of his arms. This parallel could point to time travel antics being a core mechanic of the game. Considering that time travel was also central to Age of Calamity, a parallel may mean Astor appears as BOTW2s villain.

Another theory is that the hair-flowing Link isn’t Link at all: it’s Zelda, showing off her own new hairdo. Once the world of the trailer opens up, the protagonist’s face isn’t seen at all, which is highly suspicious. Zelda falls into an abyss in the 2021 trailer, yet a close watch of the 2019 teaser shows Link about to catch Zelda’s hand. Then again, a malevolent-looking, glowing hand grabs Link’s other hand in turn – which happens to be his left hand.

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For those hoping for a playable Zelda in BOTW 2, the free-falling figure might be a red hair-ing. Another close look at the 2021 trailer shows a gameplay shot of a paraglider wearing a royal blue tunic. The left arm may be altered, though it is obscured in shadow. The hair, however, looks to be in a short, stylish braid.

The alterations to Link’s appearance in Breath of the Wild 2 provide tantalizing clues towards the sequel’s gameplay and plot mechanics. The design shifts could mean anything from an appendage that can teleport to time travel ranging back 10,000 years. Whatever the case may be, the change is noticeable, and it’s already being celebrated in new Link fan art.

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