The numbers are in, and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is a runaway hit for Activision and developers Treyarch and Raven Software. Within about a month of its November 2020 launch, the game had sold 5.7 million units, reaping $678 million. By January, market research from the NPD Group pegged it as the 20th best-selling game of all time in the U.S., at least in terms of dollar amounts. While reviews have been mostly favorable, the game has sometimes been criticized for flaws like its glossy revisionism of Ronald Reagan – so what’s driving sales so high?

It’s difficult to identify exact causes, but no doubt chief is Activision’s massive marketing campaign. The game has been featured in countless web and TV ads, but more than that, Activision has been sure to get the game in front of streamers, the gaming media, and regular players by way of beta testing. Simply having the Call of Duty brand guarantees name recognition, not to mention prominent placement in digital storefronts.


Likewise, the series already has millions of players, many of whom play together and have been following since 2007’s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, if not earlier. For some, a new Call of Duty may be one of the few games they buy every year. It’s comfort food. Even if they dislike some releases they may still want to check them out, and chances are the newest one is available on at least one platform they own. Only Nintendo and mobile players are left straggling – and even the latter can play Call of Duty Mobile.

The Call Of Duty Remains The Same – And So Do the Sales

When all else is said and done however, there’s a certain baseline of quality. The core mechanics of the series have evolved, but not in any radical way – if someone who last played Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is put in front of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, they’d grasp the general idea. Whatever problems someone might have with Black Ops’ campaign and its story, it has enough pyrotechnics and gunplay to keep people entertained.

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Traditionally, many people have skipped Call of Duty single-player entirely to concentrate on multiplayer modes, such as Zombies. Though gamers might complain about map, balance, or bug problems, they can count on major issues getting fixed, and it’s likely worth the tradeoff to keep playing with their friends. If buying Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is the price of maintaining relationships – especially in the middle of pandemic – it’s probably a small ask.

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