There have been many notable antagonists throughout the Pokémon game series, but few come close to the evil wrought by Pokémon Sword and Shield‘s Chairman Rose. Pokémon villains often follow a pattern when causing trouble in their specific region. Giovanni extorted Team Rocket to collect rare Pokémon, and during Ruby and Sapphire, Maxie and Archie both want to create a utopia for specific Pokémon types. The goals of these antagonists often involve awakening a dangerous, Legendary Pokémon and then losing control of it before the player is able to step in and save the day. While Chairman Rose follows many of these patterns, it is how he goes about his goal that makes him a true monster.


Rose is the Galar League Chairman, and the runner of the Champion Cup. He is also a strong advocate for Dynamax and Gigantmax battling styles, and he has encouraged all Gym Leaders to position their Gyms over Power Spots. The only Gym Leader to resist this request is Sword and Shield’s Dark Gym Leader Piers. Rose helps seek out potentially talented trainers, endorsing them to compete in the Champion Cup. This is the case with the player’s character and Hop at the start of the series.

While Chairman Rose appears non-assuming and charismatic to first-time players of Sword and Shield, this is exactly why he is such a terrifying villain. He has the ability to convince others to do what he desires using his charming nature and persuasion. He is seen doing this with Leon several times, when the Champion attempts to stop Rose’s plans as they start to unfold. Rose has no mercy for those who won’t do as he desires, which can be seen with how he manipulates Bede into collecting Wishing Stars for him.

Pokémon’s Villains Are Scary Because They Believe They Are Right

Pokémon villains are often scary, not because they are powerful or cruel, but because the goals they have are something they passionately believe in. Chairman Rose’s goal is to prevent a potential energy crisis 1,000 years in the future. He genuinely believes he is the only one who will be able to prevent the Galar region from collapsing and is willing to do anything and pay any price to ensure he can stop it. One of Rose’s biggest downfalls ends up being his own ego. He believes his own will and might will be enough to control the Legendary Pokémon Eternatus, who is the source of the Galar Particles used in Dynamax and Gigantamax.

Thankfully, after Rose is forced to turn himself into the Galar law enforcement, Leon assumes the role of Chairman. He helps establish the Battle Tower and Sword and Shield’s Galarian Star Tournament. Unlike Rose, Leon is kind, empathetic, and focused on creating new opportunities for trainers. He uses his influence as the New Chairman to create new challenges for the best trainers in Pokémon Sword and Shield, and open doors for trainers just starting on their journeys, helping to mend the damages caused by Rose’s villainous actions.

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