Warning! Spoilers ahead for Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode 1.

The genetically altered clones of Star Wars: The Bad Batch differ notably from one another in appearance, but Crosshair in particular stands out by looking significantly older than the rest of the squad. The alterations made to Clone Force 99 in the cloning process resulted in all manner of genetic divergences, from enhanced physical abilities to changes in brain chemistry. But is that why Crosshair appears so much older than his comrades?

In truth, not much is known about the origins of Clone Force 99. The mutations that made the Bad Batch such spectacular soldiers have been described as accidents, but it’s also possible some of the clones could have been intentionally, secretly, modified. That would open up a whole new series of questions of course, such as why the Kaminoans wouldn’t have repeated such mutations for more clones to create additional super soldiers. In the end, it probably is most likely that the Bad Batch’s mutations are simply unrepeatable mistakes.


With that in mind, Crosshair’s older appearance could be explained by the simple fact that not all members of the Bad Batch would have been born at the same time. If their mutations – all of which are different – truly were mistakes, it wouldn’t make any sense for them to have come of age at the exact same time. That means it’s very likely that Crosshair was the first of the five to be created, and that he’s been in combat for the longest amount of time. That could also explain why his inhibitor chip still functions (for the most part), while the other Bad Batch members are unaffected by theirs.

It’s also possible that Crosshair’s older appearance is simply a result of his own unique mutation. The Jango Fett clones were all modified to age quicker than regular humans to expedite their production. It’s not ridiculous to think Crosshair’s mutation could have also affected his accelerated aging and made him grow even faster than normal clones.

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Either of these explanations could give some insight into the tension between Crosshair and Hunter, which seems to have existed long before Order 66. The two truly start to fall out after Crosshair’s inhibitor chip is activated, but it seems like he bears some longstanding resentment of Hunter and his status as the team leader. If Crosshair actually has notably more combat experience than Hunter, it could explain why he doesn’t fully trust him in Star Wars: The Bad Batch.

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