Leaks about Cyberpunk 2077 were recently denied by game developer CD Projekt RED’s Radek Grabowski, raising questions on what the game’s future will look like. Cyberpunk 2077 was highly criticized as many players were disappointed with the game’s abysmal state at launch, a bug-filled and underwhelming experience. As fans of Cyberpunk 2077 are eagerly waiting for any good news about what’s to come for the game, rumors are running rampant.

According to the leaks, Cyberpunk 2077 will get a soft relaunch titled Cyberpunk 2077: Samurai Edition. The leaks boast numerous changes like improvements to the game’s AI, more player character customization options, and free DLC expansions. If the leaks are to be believed, many of Cyberpunk 2077‘s issues frustrating players would be fixed.


Forbes journalist Paul Tassi published a recent article detailing these leaks. CD Projekt RED’s Global PR Director, Radek Grabowski, responded to Paul Tassi via Twitter simply with, “This thing does not add up. Sorry, Paul.” The Forbes journalist reached out for further comment but has received no response yet. On the surface, though, it looks as if Cyberpunk 2077‘s leaks have been debunked.

Cyberpunk 2077: Samurai Edition & DLC Leaks, Explained

Though Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the most anticipated game releases of 2020, fans were shocked to discover that the game was released in a broken and unpolished state. As a result, the game’s developer CD Projekt RED was subject to intense scrutiny by the gaming community. The Playstation 4 launch of Cyberpunk 2077 was so broken that Sony removed the game from the Playstation Store, something seldom seen done to a triple-A game title. Additionally, CD Projekt RED was the subject of a class-action lawsuit by investors, reaching a settlement of nearly $2 million. CD Projekt’s stock prices took a major hit shortly after the game’s release, signaling investor dissatisfaction with the news of Cyberpunk 2077’s botched release. Refunds of Cyberpunk 2077 cost the developer over $2 million, as players’ expectations of the game were not met.

CD Projekt RED took a reputation hit for the bungled release of the highly anticipated title. Thus, it’s somewhat understandable that CD Projekt RED remains tight-lipped about future content for Cyberpunk 2077. The studio is likely trying to avoid the same problems that affected the game’s original release. Last October, the game developer updated Cyberpunk 2077‘s roadmap, delaying additional game updates until later this year. The game developer must avoid over-promising and creating unrealistic expectations to prevent a repeat of the game’s disastrous launch.

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Since its launch, Cyberpunk 2077‘s reviews have improved as numerous patches have been added to correct the game’s troubled state. Despite Cyberpunk 2077‘s numerous inadequacies, the game still received multiple game award nominations. Ultimately, only time will tell what lies in store for Cyberpunk 2077.

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