What does Benedict Cumberbatch’s MCU sorcerer want with Wanda Maximoff in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? If Infinity Stones were the running theme of Kevin Feige’s first three Marvel movie phases, the multiverse is his new favorite toy. WandaVisionLokiWhat If…?Shang-Chi and Spider-Man: No Way Home all dip a toe (in some cases an entire leg) into the pool of parallel universes. Those disparate threads collide in Sam Raimi’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, where Benedict Cumberbatch’s wizard faces the full might of a broken multiverse.

Marvel confirmed in advance that Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda Maximoff would feature alongside Cumberbatch’s Strange in the latter’s solo sequel, and many assumed she’d be a villain. By the end of WandaVision, Scarlet Witch’s power has evolved considerably, and she’s not entirely stable following the Westview incident. Would Doctor Strange be forced to protect the multiverse from his Avenger colleague? Not right away, at least. The first trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness shows Strange actually requesting Wanda’s help with his multiverse woes.


The big question is why a sorcerer of Doctor Strange’s caliber needs a helping hand at all. Can he not handle the multiverse on his own? And if not, what can Wanda do that Strange can’t? Though several factors might prompt Strange’s call for a magical team-up to rival the “science bros,” his biggest motivator is likely Wanda’s Darkhold connection and her status as the legendary “Scarlet Witch.” After all, Strange’s Westview reference suggests Sanctum Sanctorum was watching WandaVision as avidly as the rest of us…

Doctor Strange possesses some degree of influence upon the multiverse, but previously admitted to knowing “frighteningly little” about the concept. If, therefore, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness introduces a brand new cross-reality threat, Cumberbatch’s character may not be the best mage for the job. Wanda Maximoff, on the other hand, has now embraced her chaos magic power and spent time in the mountains studying the ancient Darkhold, potentially making Scarlet Witch the foremost authority on multiversal matters – especially after Westview. Alternatively, chaos magic may be the only remedy for chaos in the multiverse, and Wanda is far better versed than Strange in that particular area of conjuring. Elsewhere in the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer, Scarlet Witch is seen preparing what appears to be a summoning spell, which supports the theory that Strange needs her chaos magic and arcane knowledge to save the multiverse.

Doctor Strange might call upon Wanda for personal reasons also. Without giving away spoilers, the sorcerer doesn’t exactly cover himself in glory in Spider-Man: No Way HomeDoctor Strange 2 may find its titular superhero in a more humble mood, acknowledging how he can’t face this particular magical enemy alone. That’s even truer considering Strange himself may be the new enemy. The Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer shows Strange Supreme – an evil variant – showing up wearing a suspiciously wicked grin. If Strange can’t trust himself, Wanda Maximoff might be the only person capable of defeating a rogue Cumberbatch. Assuming this is the same Strange Supreme from What If…?, the wizard broke bad after watching Christine Palmer die repeatedly. Losing a partner is something Wanda Maximoff can relate to – and that’s possibly the reason Strange reaches out to her. And if Strange can’t trust himself, Wanda Maximoff might be the only hero capable of defeating a rogue Cumberbatch.

Even though Stephen Strange asking Wanda Maximoff for help suggests Scarlet Witch isn’t a villain in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, that won’t necessarily remain so throughout the entire movie. By involving Wanda in his multiverse shenanigans rather than leaving her to tend blossom trees in the mountain wilderness, Strange might be exposing his friend to a corrupting temptation, creating a danger beyond anything he’s had to contend with thus far.

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