Duke Nukem is not only a pillar of gaming history, but is also an originator of numerous elements of pop culture. For a time, it was among the most highly-regarded game franchises, and fans were clamoring for a follow-up. Then, one day, it all came tumbling down in one fell swoop. Duke Nukem’s reputation was ruined by the release of the infamous Duke Nukem Forever.

After a grueling 15 years of development, Duke Nukem Forever exploded onto the scene, upset fans and critics everywhere, and then disappeared into obscurity. The game is rarely ever mentioned, and for a series that was once such a large part of gaming culture, Duke Nukem as a character is hardly remembered by today’s new generation of gamers. Unfortunately, Duke Nukem Forever was a serious misstep, even after all of the effort that was put into bringing it to the world.


The question remains: Why was Duke Nukem Forever such a terrible game? What did the other games do differently that made them so beloved in their time? The strangest part of the whole situation, is that it is likely that Duke Nukem Forever actually did very little wrong when compared to the games that came before it. Here’s why Duke Nukem Forever was so poorly received.

Why Duke Nukem Forever Didn’t Work

Critics commonly remarked that the game was juvenile in a distasteful manner. The game featured gratuitous nudity, constant swearing, fecal humor, and rampant misogyny. For many, this was too far to go for a game in 2011, and was the primary problem many had with Duke Nukem Forever. When compared to past titles in the series, the childish humor of Duke Nukem Forever was not far off from the standard. Duke Nukem in 2011 was, in many ways, the same character that he was in the 90s when the original game came out. Arguably, this game’s presentation goes further than the past games did in the way of violence and nudity, but it is hard to say that this game’s behavior is more deplorable than what made the series so successful.

In the end, it feels as though Duke Nukem Forever’s primary crime was taking so long to release. When the first game came out, this type of humor was much less frowned upon in pop culture than it has become in recent years. If reboots of movies and shows from decades ago are any example, bringing something back from years prior rarely meets up with the current day’s sensibilities. Arguments about political correctness aside, times change, and Duke Nukem Forever was not aged to meet the times.

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Could Duke Nukem Be Rebooted Today?

If a Duke Nukem game could ever have a chance of working in 2020 the character would need to grow up a bit. The closest example of a similar character is someone like Deadpool. The Deadpool video game came out two years after Duke Nukem Forever and featured a similar level of blood, guts, and language. The game received moderate reviews from critics and was reasonably enjoyed by fans of the character. The major difference is that while the game commented on pop culture, made childish jokes, and was an all around wild ride, it didn’t rely on misogynist jokes and potty humor to get its laughs. The game was hilarious, but didn’t set out to offend below the belt, and thus was well received. A new Duke Nukem game would need to really take some notes from Deadpool and/or similar properties if it wanted to do well in today’s market.

It is honestly tragic how big of a failure Duke Nukem Forever was when it arrived. It wasn’t heavily criticized for its combat, story, or graphical fidelity. By most accounts, the game was just as fun as any other first-person shooter that came out in 2011, so the problem was its general attitude and personality. Compared to past games, Forever was a decent sci-fi shooting experience that was bogged down by its constant barrage of nauseating humor. If it had come out when it was originally planned to, it probably wouldn’t have changed the world of gaming, but it would have been much better received. Hopefully fans of Duke Nukem will eventually see a return of this character done in a manner that doesn’t feel 15 years behind the times.

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