The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguardis an action-adventure game first released in 1998, and holds a large chunk of the Elder Scrolls lore in its story that should be further developed in a full RPG remake. While players can currently purchase the game for only $5.99, the graphics for this title do not hold up, and only hardcore fans are likely to enjoy a playthrough. Redguard offers roughly 17 hours of gameplay, which by today’s Elder Scrolls standards is pretty short, but the potential for a much longer game is there. Redguard takes place in Hammerfell, a location that players haven’t been given many opportunities to explore, which is why a remake of The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard would be the perfect way to expand on this part of Tamriel.


The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard follows the story of Cyrus, a young Redguard who is looking for his missing sister Iszara. The storyline takes place amid the Tiber Wars, which places it between the events of The Elder Scrolls Online, and The Elder Scrolls: Arena in Tamriel’s timeline, which was the first TES game. The Tiber Wars are an important time in history for Tamriel and the stories of what happened around this time are mentioned throughout all of the mainline games. Because most of the more popular TES games take place after Tiber Septim brought peace to Tamriel, players haven’t gotten the chance to experience it first hand, which is exactly what a reboot of The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard could offer.

Each individual The Elder Scrolls games can be played separately and without any knowledge of the other games, but the rich history of Tamriel is so integral to the world-building that fans who take the time to absorb the lore get much more out of the games. While the immersive open world element of the games is a large part of what keeps fans coming back, there are many players that get wrapped up in the storylines and who take the time to read the books and tomes provided in-game. The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard sets itself apart from the other TES games in that it is played entirely in third-person, and players are not given character creation options. While this might be a downside for some, for others it is a blessing. Redguard offers players a chance to follow a specific character’s story, instead of getting lost on their own.

An Elder Scrolls: Redguard Remake Could Retell Cyrus’ Story

The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard was created with inspiration from classics like Tomb Raider and Prince of Persia, which is exactly what formula the remake should follow. Because Redguard is already an outlier in the Elder Scrolls franchise as a spin-off and its lack of character creation, a retelling of Cyrus’ story in a cinematic way would be a great addition to the series. The blending of genres that is very common in modern video games gives Bethesda the perfect opportunity to reimagine Redguard as an action-adventure RPG that would allow the player to follow Cyrus’ story, as well as explore the history of Hammerfell for the first time. Newer TES games are jam-packed with gorgeous visuals that offer a great backdrop for exploring, and if given a make-over with modern technology, Redguard could be made into a stunning adventure akin to the best Uncharted games.

The Elder Scrolls is such an iconic franchise that was many gamers’ first introduction to open-world RPGs, and the production value for the series’ games has only increased over time. With Bethesda’s present-day abilities, the redesign of an older game should definitely be on the table. The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard has the potential to bring important context to current TES games, but that history is hidden behind out-of-date graphics.

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