Elder Scrolls Online continues to roll out content with its Elsweyr DLC, adding plenty of new additions to the game, including the dragonbone style. The DLC includes new character options, the addition of dragons, and the North Elsweyr region for players to explore. The game is continuing to expand, and it seems set to continue for some time to come, although not every aspect of the DLC is worth exploring, with the dragonbone armor being one of them.

Discovering new weapons and armor has always been a large part of the series, which explains why Elder Scrolls weapon mods in games like Skyrim are so popular. Any addition that offers even more options to players is generally celebrated.  However, there is a bit of a caveat when it comes to ESO‘s dragonbone style that makes it a bit of a hard sell, and ultimately it’s difficult to recommend it over the existing options already in the game.


The dragonbone style for weapons and armor can only be accessed in Elder Scrolls Online by paying for the collector’s edition of the Elsweyr DLC. Requiring an extra purchase just to access the style raises the bar that it has to meet in order to be worthwhile, as there is more of a commitment with purchases involving real money than there is with renewable in-game currency. It may be packaged with a chance to explore The Elder Scrolls’ mysterious Elsweyr setting, but in order to be worth the money, ESO‘s dragonbone style really needs to be a spectacular investment that adds significantly to the player experience.

ESO’s Dragonbone Style Equipment Lacks Substance

Unfortunately, ESO‘s dragonbone style does not represent much of a benefit compared to other options in the game. Rather than being a new class of collectible weapons, it is instead essentially a skin that can be applied to existing weapons and armor to make them look like they are made of bones. In terms of gameplay, it has no actual benefits. Dragonbone style weapons and armor have no stat bonuses, status effects, or other perks that make them unique. The only upside they have is for someone who wants a specific build for their Elder Scrolls Online character that an arsenal made of bones would fit, such as a barbarian or dark warrior. For anyone else, the value is minimal.

The ESO dragonbone style items can easily be likened to the dragon weapons and armor players can make in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Rather than paying money, a player would have to fight enough dragons in order to collect the necessary dragon bones and scales that make up the equipment, as well as training far enough in the smithing skill tree to gain the ability to forge dragon equipment. It takes a lot of commitment, but once the dragon equipment is forged, it has some of the best stats of any items in the game, surpassed only by Daedric equipment and some artifacts. It is a worthy achievement for those willing to level up Skyrim‘s smithing tree. It is an investment of time rather than money, but the payoff is much greater than what is achieved from paying for the ESO dragonbone style items.

Unfortunately, the dragonbone style equipment in Elder Scrolls Online is not worth the cost of the DLC on its own. There are other reasons to buy the Elsweyr DLC that are much more compelling, including the setting and the new character options. If any of the other content involved in the pack is particularly enticing, then maybe it might be worth buying. However, when it comes down to the dragonbone style as a standalone item, it does not justify the cost for what is essentially a reskin with no outstanding qualities.

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