April’s Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a nominee for the Game of the Year Award, although it will be an uphill battle for the Square Enix title to win. 2020 was a strong year for gaming, with titles such as Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Ghosts Of Tsushima releasing to stellar reviews, and both are also in contention for the award. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is at a disadvantage when compared to some of the other nominees since, unlike those games, it is a remake, rather than an original title or traditional sequel.

Since the award’s creation in 2014, neither a remake or a remaster has ever won. This puts Final Fantasy 7 Remake in an awkward position, as it is meant to be a modern spin on the legendary Final Fantasy 7. It may be difficult for critics to justify awarding Game of the Year to what is essentially a game from 20 years ago, even if both the original and remake were well received. With that being said, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is unique when compared to other remakes, which creates a legitimate argument for it to win.


Unlike standard video game remakes and remasters, which tend to simply overhaul graphics and fix some glitches, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a innovative title that introduced new gameplay to the franchise. Not only did it bring the city of Midgar into an explorable 3-D world, but it also introduced a real-time combat system that still incorporates RPG elements from the original game. The combat system in Final Fantasy 7 Remake allows players to switch characters freely as they fight their battles in a third person-perspective, creating combat that is unique from the game it is based on.

How FF7 Remake’s Characters Differ From The Original Game

In addition to the changes in gameplay, Final Fantasy 7 Remake also changed some characters and dialogue when compared to the original game. Scenes like such as Cloud’s conversation at the start of Final Fantasy 7’s Chapter 14, which can change depending on choices the player makes, are exclusive to the remake and allow fans of the franchise to see a newer side of the protagonist and the rest of his party. FF7 Remake also heavily featured some of the minor characters from the original, such as Jessie, who was given only a few lines of dialogue in the 1997 version.

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Potentially the strongest case for Final Fantasy 7 Remake to win Game Of They Year is its storyline, especially the ending, which differs greatly from the original game. Considering the party’s final battle, as well as the flashbacks players are shown regarding Zack Fair, Final Fantasy 7 Remake did not shy away from diverging from the original plot and events. Considering sequels have seen success in regards to the Game of the Year award, with God of War winning as recently as 2018, games do not necessarily need to be completely fresh in order to win. With the changes Final Fantasy 7 Remake made to its storyline, there is an argument that it is more like a sequel than a simple remake.

All six of this year’s nominees have a legitimate case to win the Game of the Year award for 2020, and Final Fantasy 7 Remake is no exception. Although some critics may credit the game’s success exclusively to the original, the remake has enough differences in both story and gameplay to compete for the Game of the Year award on its own merit.

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