When Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the episodic retelling of the highly beloved 1997 Square JRPG, launched last year it was met with mostly positive reviews, thrilling fans who had been waiting with bated breath for almost five years. As an episodic remake, this latest iteration of Final Fantasy 7 is set up to tell the story of Cloud Strife and Sephiroth over the course of multiple games. The portion released in 2020 took place solely in Midgar, the beginning section of the original adventure, introducing the world and environmental issues plaguing the planet, as well as key party members.

Of course, since Final Fantasy 7 Remake is taking such a different approach to not just Final Fantasy 7 but the Final Fantasy series as a whole, it leaves fans wondering what exactly the next game will include. Is it possible for the development team to keep expanding 5 to 10 hour segments of the 1997 game into a 30 hour adventure, or will future FF7 Remake installments cover more ground?


At this point, these questions remain up in the air, since very little is known about Final Fantasy Remake Part 2 right now. However, the story will probably follow similar narrative beats found in the original.  This means the follow-up to FF7 Remake needs at least one thing: the airship.

FF7 Remake Part 2 Needs The Highwind Airship

In the original game, Cloud and the team gain access to the Highwind, an airship that quickly transports the player across the map. The Highwind was developed by Cid, but after being confiscated to punish Cid for his failed rocket launch, Shinra president Rufus, one of the game’s antagonists, takes control of the vehicle, using it as his personal ship. However, in Junon, the player takes the ship back from Rufus, making travel quicker and easier for Cloud, and seriously annoying the higher ups at Shinra.

The plot of Final Fantasy 7 is split into roughly three parts, and Final Fantasy 7 Remake covered the first large section – Avalanche and its work and eventual escape from Midgar. The second part of the original Final Fantasy 7 covers Cloud and the gang’s pursuit of Sephiroth, which, conveniently, ends up with them making a stop in Junon and confronting President Rufus.

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However, this means that while the airship will most likely make an appearance in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2, it may not be usable by the player’s party. Instead, this could set up the beginning of the next game. Either way, it seems unlikely that President Rufus and his beloved airship won’t show up in the next Final Fantasy 7 Remake based on how much ground the first game decided to cover last year.

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