Players hoping to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day with a GTA Online session on Xbox One were in for a rude awakening. The latest update, which released earlier this week, has caused widespread crashing issues on the platform, and social media is overflowing with accounts from disappointed gamers who can’t log on. Rockstar hasn’t directly commented on the platform-specific crashes as of yet, but they’re surely aware of the issue simply due to the vast number of people affected.

GTA Online first released back in 2013, and Rockstar has been continuously updating the game ever since. Sometimes, this does result in bugs that make the game unusable for a brief window, but there’s never been significantly long unplanned downtime for GTA Online in its lifetime. More often than not, the updates simply provide new heists, new vehicles, or new guns and then let players loose on the blinding lights of Los Santos. The most recent updates to GTA Online have done just that, adding the Grotti Brioso 300, the Nagasaki Weaponized Dinghy, and the Dinka Verus to various vehicle shops around the city.


GTA Online’s update was highly publicized, as it treated PC players to much-reduced loading times. This is thanks to the work of player t0st, who worked up a way to improve GTA Online on PC and then offered his work to Rockstar for the good of the entire player base. The developer thanked t0st in the patch notes, and the community celebrated with meme images and posts of encouragement. T0st’s improvements don’t affect the console versions of GTA Online, but the game now loads 70% faster for those playing on PC. This fixes a problem that has been with the game since the PC port’s initial launch, so it’s a much-appreciated improvement for both the players and Rockstar.

When Will Rockstar Fix GTA Online On Xbox One?

While PC players enjoy an improved experience, those on Xbox One who want to play GTA Online are waiting once again for the latest patch. Following the massive complaints from the community regarding the crashes, Rockstar reverted the patch back to the previous version in order to temporarily fix the issues. The patch had slightly different sign-in issues on PlayStation consoles according to player feedback, but those were not sufficient enough to cause a reversion. The tide of Xbox-related complaints has subsided since reverting the patch, which will likely buy Rockstar enough time to truly fix the issue and then rerelease the improvements on Microsoft’s console.

Considering that Rockstar is currently porting Grand Theft Auto 5 and GTA Online to Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, these sorts of issues on what is now previous-gen hardware are bound to pop up. As more players get their hands on new systems, the game will move onto its third generation of consoles and leave the old systems in the dust. Those versions of the game will still work, but bugs may linger a bit longer since they’re not affecting the primary platform. So, in a way, it’s good that something as widespread as this crashing issue happened while the Xbox One is still the primary platform. With Rockstar’s attention, the problematic patch won’t be in the repair shop for very long at all.

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