Players spend a decent amount of time exploring Guarma in the latter half of Red Dead Redemption 2. During “Banking, The Old American Art,” Dutch, Arthur, Javier, Bill, and Micah find a ship that’s about to pull out in Saint Denis. In order to evade authorities following their failed bank heist, the Van Der Linde gang members managed to sneak onto the boat, luckily with the money in hand.

However, things go awry when the ship finds itself in the middle of a big storm. As it starts sinking, Arthur is thrown overboard and wakes up on the shores of a tropical island, knowing the money from the heist is definitely lost following the ship’s sinking. Arthur manages to find his comrades also washed up on shore, and together, the group sets out to find a way to get back to the rest of the Van Der Linde gang in America.


The group eventually finds a way off the island during “Paradise Mercifully Departed,” but not before encountering conflict with the locals and army. Nevertheless, in what is nothing short of a miracle, they manage to escape with all of their limbs intact, but not before Arthur realizes just how erratic Dutch Van Der Linde has become.

RDR2 Could’ve Done Much More with Guarma 

Unfortunately, the time players spend in Guarma doesn’t live up to the standards of the rest of the game. On one hand, the whole storyline is ridiculous and over-the-top. While surviving a shipwreck is already an incredible feat, the fact that Arthur managed to find his four comrades all in perfect health felt unbelievable. Even the antics they had to get up to in order to leave the island felt a bit exaggerated and forced. For a game based on realism and historical accuracy, players expect a believable plotline, which was compromised thanks to the Guarma inclusion. Guarma is a sudden change of gameplay that, while it shakes things up, just doesn’t feel like it completely makes sense or ties in with the rest of the story, other than showing players (once again) that Dutch makes bad calls.

For much of the game, Dutch was promising the gang they would retire in Tahiti. Perhaps this was RDR2’s way of foreshadowing that players would spend time on a tropical island, but when it becomes clear that Guarma is the farthest south players will get to go, it feels like players are being forced to settle for the runner-up, since Tahiti was so heavily emphasized. That may work thematically, but many players were expecting Mexico would be included in RDR2’s map, since it was explorable in the first game. So, once again, the fact that many were hoping to see Mexico but ended up with Guarma instead makes it feel like it’s only a second-best option.

Even more frustrating, however, is that there’s not a lot to do in Guarma once players are there except continue on with the main story. There are very few resources to collect or loot, thereby disincentivizing players from exploring the island since it’s so easy to get killed without proper weapons. This was clearly intentional, considering the game doesn’t let players re-visit Guarma after the story moves on unless RDR2 players utilize a glitch. Even with the glitch, it’s still limited what players can do on the island, and encounters with animals or other characters are often fatal because of the lack of resources players are left with.

Some players have found evidence to suggest that Guarma was supposed to play a bigger role in the game, and that it may have originally been intended for players to re-visit after completing the main story. If this were the case, it’s a wonder why Rockstar decided to scrap the idea and make Guarma virtually inaccessible, aside from the story missions. Making the island more interactive and easy to visit would have greatly changed the reception of Red Dead Redemption 2’s Guarma, but unfortunately it’s just a speed bump in the game’s story.

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