Set in the Hisui region, Pokémon Legends: Arceus portrays a different relationship between the titular monsters and humans. Previous games have been all about the symbiotic relationships between Pokémon and people, but Legends: Arceus showcases a more brutal world – and one in which people live in fear of the creatures that roam Hisui’s wilderness. It’s a jarring departure from other games, but why exactly are people so afraid of Pokémon in Legends: Arceus?

To really answer this, players must first get through a good portion of Requests and the main storyline. Early on, it’s through various Requests that players see just how leery humans are of Pokémon in Legends: Arceus. From characters being afraid of a Pokémon in their home to the Galaxy Expedition Team’s own Commander Kamado showing his distrust of the creatures, it seems like almost everyone in Jubilife Village is scared of Pokémon in some capacity or another.


There are, of course, some notable exceptions – and there are still plenty of characters who have Pokémon of their own. Generally, though, most of the NPCs found in Jubilife Village in Legends: Arceus are afraid of Pokémon and voice their concerns to the protagonist at some point or another. While it may seem like fear of the unknown, a scene late in the game explains why at least some citizens of Jubilife Village are so scared.

Legends: Arceus’ Beni Explains The Darker Side Of Pokémon

Late in the game, the protagonist will be exiled from Jubilife Village by Commander Kamado and the Galaxy Expedition Team. Eventually, they’ll come face-to-face with Beni, the man who runs the Wallflower where players often enjoy food with Professor Laventon and other members of the team. Before Beni challenges the protagonist to a fight, he explains that he and Kamado immigrated to the Hisui region after Pokémon destroyed their hometown. This is why Kamado is so distrusting of Pokémon and perhaps explains why so many others in Jubilife Village see Pokémon as vicious monsters, too.

This also serves to explain why Commander Kamado in Legends: Arceus is distrusting of the protagonist. However, it’s through Beni’s revelation that players really see why people in Hisui may be so afraid of Pokémon. It’s not just that many of them are unfamiliar with the creatures – it’s because some of them have had firsthand experience in seeing how violent they can become. It’s an interesting take on the franchise’s usual way of handling this relationship, and it helps make Pokémon Legends: Arceus stand out even more from the rest of the series.

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