Why did Person of Interest decide to kill off Carter (Taraji P. Henson) in season 3? Carter, a main character since Person of Interest season 1, played an integral role in the first three seasons of the series, which focused on the efforts of Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Finch (Michael Emerson), who made it their mission to save people who were in danger. This mission relied on Finch’s mysterious “machine“, which provided them with “numbers” that told them who they had to investigate.

Early in Person of Interest season 1, their vigilante activities attracted the attention of the NYPD, specifically Detective Joss Carter, who was determined to catch and arrest Reese, the person she called “the man in the suit“. After meeting Reese and developing a better understanding of what they did, she became a reluctant ally to them. Carter’s position at the NYPD provided them with valuable information and connections that they were able to use to save people. As time went on, Carter evolved into a trusted friend to both Reese and Finch, and someone who they considered to be a member of the team.


In Person of Interest season 3, episode 9, “The Crossing”, Carter’s time on the show came to an abrupt end. The team was dealing with an organization of police offers called HR when they were ambushed by corrupt cop and recurring antagonist Simmons (Robert John Burke), who shot them both. Simmons escaped and Reese survived, but Carter died from her wounds. Finch watched in horror as Reese cried over her body. This was the end for Carter on Person of Interest, but Henson did reprise her role for one episode in season 4 as a hallucination.

Years after her exit, Henson revealed the reason why she left the cast of Person of Interest. Pay wasn’t the issue; it was more of a problem that she had with the show itself. Henson claimed she was “not happy creatively” and “miserable“, so she spoke to the producer, who understood her situation [via Variety]. Though Henson doesn’t directly mention Person of Interest, it’s clear that this was the series that she was referring to, because she mentioned doing a play in Pasadena after leaving the show, and that’s exactly what Henson did after her exit from Person of Interest.

Henson’s decision had a dramatic effect on both the show and its characters, particularly Reese. After all, the friendship between Reese and Carter had become the show’s second most important relationship, behind that of Reese and Finch. What Reese and Carter shared on Person of Interest was an incredibly deep mutual respect that had grown over the course of the series, and culminated in an unscripted kiss that took place in their final episode together.

Carter’s death carried a huge emotional weight for all the characters involved, as several of them cared for her. It set the stage for the rest of the season, and for Root (Amy Acker) to be utilized as an ally, since Reese was off to get revenge for Carter. And Reese and Finch began to reevaluate their devotion to the mission and their confidence in the machine’s effectiveness at predicting deaths. Though this was a show that dealt regularly with murders and killings, this was the first time that one of their own was the victim, and it remains one of the most shocking moments ever to occur on Person of Interest.

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