Sam Raimi has proven himself to be a master of horror, but with his most recent venture in the genre, 2009’s Drag Me to Hell, being considered one of his best movies many have wondered why a sequel has never happened.

Drag Me to Hell goes back to Sam Raimi’s roots and it’s not surprising to learn that Drag Me to Hell was originally conceived over a decade before it actually went into production. The horror film’s story looks at a loan officer, Christine (Alison Lohman), who chooses to not extend a loan to the wrong person and winds up with a terrible curse placed on her. Christine has three days to fix this situation or she’ll be sent away to hell. Raimi crafts a masterful horror film with this ticking clock storyline.

Raimi is responsible for a lot of important films, both in the horror genre and outside of it. However, something interesting about this director is that he’s not at all opposed to tackling sequels to his films. Evil Dead has gone on to become its own franchise, he directed a whole trilogy of Spider-Man films, and even movies of his, like Darkman, received a bunch of sequels, even if he wasn’t responsible for them. With Raimi being so open to sequel possibilities to his films, some fans have been left puzzled over why a follow-up to Drag Me to Hell hasn’t happened, especially when critics loved the movie and fans have been demanding a sequel. Sometimes directors remain silent on such future possibilities, but Raimi has actually opened up regarding the future of Drag Me to Hell.

Raimi Views Drag Me To Hell’s Ending As A Definitive Conclusion

It certainly sounds like there would be an audience for a Drag Me to Hell 2, but the major roadblock for the sequel appears to be Sam Raimi himself. One of the things that Raimi loved the most about returning to a smaller budget film like Drag Me to Hell is that he had complete creative control (unlike in the Spider-Man movies), which meant he could end the film on its extreme downer ending. Christine’s damnation to hell hits hard, but it’s because this conclusion is so definitive that Raimi doesn’t think another chapter is necessary. Over a decade has passed since the film’s release, and Raimi still hasn’t heard a pitch for a story that’s good enough for a sequel that doesn’t cheapen the original movie’s ending. Until that happens, Raimi won’t budge.

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This, of course, doesn’t mean that a sequel to Drag Me to Hell will never happen, but Raimi seems pretty resolved on his decision at this point. That being said, Christine may meet a grisly end in the film, but her partner, Clay (Justin Long), is still very much around. Maybe Justin Long can convince Raimi why a sequel that revolves around his character trying to bring back his girlfriend is a more than satisfactory angle for a sequel. Or why not even go the Evil Dead route and basically turn the sequel to Drag Me To Hell into a more comedy-friendly remake of the original? Hopefully it won’t take a curse being placed on Sam Raimi to get him to change his mind.

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