Since the beginning of Big Brother, people have speculated how the show may be somewhat “produced”. This basically means the show producers slightly recreate things that may or may not have happened in real life. Is it still considered reality TV if it’s being “produced”, or scripted?

There are so many details that go into a television production that some logistics really need to be planned out to be executed successfully. That’s where scripting comes in. The whole idea of Big Brother is fairly questionable. You’re putting that many strangers in a house together without prior rules or expectations. Surely there are strings being pulled behind the scenes. Let’s investigate some of the things that could have been “produced” or scripted.


First of all, according to TV Over Mind, Big Brother winners are chosen at the beginning of the competition and not at the end as portrayed. Well, where is the fun in that? Surely if this is true they are still pretending to be surprised as competitions are won and lost and as “random” people are evicted. It’s more than likely that only the producers know who’s going to win and maybe they have an influencer planted in the group to navigate the results they have planned. Regardless of how this gets played out, there’s definitely some producing elements going on with the show.

Secondly, contestants are supposed to be getting a live phone call to discover they are a guest in the house. But it seems that there’s simply no way that is true. The network is not going to have cameras at unnecessary households just in case they make it on the show. There just isn’t going to be wasted money on a production for that unnecessary cost. Therefore the producers likely to narrow down the list of potential houseguests and film them live. And let’s say the house is going to have 16 final guests in the house. They may narrow the call list down to 20 people and film all of those guests, so the 16 that are chosen are truly surprised by their acceptance. Plus, some have said contestants know they’re going to be on the show months in advance, which is probably true, so producers have time to plan out all the details of the house and show production.

Next, most viewers will be shocked to find out the house the contestants stay in really isn’t a house. The grass isn’t real. The backyard isn’t real. It’s all an elaborately staged studio or soundstage as some prefer to call it. How can you get more scripted than that? The most basic thing for the production isn’t real, how real is everything else?

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Lastly, fans interested in getting to the bottom of the scripting rumors should Google “Matt Hoffman Big Brother“. It will instantly come up as a contestant for Big Brother, season 12. At the end of the bio, it will say that Matt faked a mysterious illness his supposed wife had in order to garner sympathy from the other houseguests. In the end it backfired for him as he was eliminated from the challenge. Did producers tell him to add this fake illness into the script to make the show more appealing? Supposedly, CBS producers were upset when they found out the truth, but the question still remains if it was planned out by other production entities.

Source: TV Over Mind

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