It’s almost axiomatic that the 2D Sonic the Hedgehog games are better than the 3D ones. Although taste is subjective, the only 3D Sonic game typically considered great is Sonic Adventure for the Sega Dreamcast. Other entries have had mixed results, sometimes leading to games a lot of fans consider bad, like Shadow the Hedgehog. However, there may be a few explanations as to why 2D Sonic games are usually so much better than 3D ones.

First, it’s important to remember that the 2D Sonic was born in Sega’s heyday. The company was not only still making consoles, it was at the peak of its power, and Sega was considered a serious challenger to Nintendo’s throne. It had a lot of financial power and access to top-tier designers like Hirokazu Yasuhara. In fact, Sonic was conceived as a mascot to combat Mario, so there was strong incentive to get the games right.


If there’s a fundamental obstacle to making the series in 3D, it’s the very thing that defines Sonic: speed. A character that’s barely under control in 2D can become nearly impossible to use if he’s set loose in an open world. This is why the 3D games often resort to rails and other things that limit player options. Yet stripping away freedom defeats a lot of the purpose of a 3D game, leaving developers with a catch-22 – or at least a delicate balancing act.

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With the company out of consoles after the Dreamcast, Sega also found itself in the wilderness, metaphorically speaking. It became just another third-party developer struggling to keep up with 3D technology. The original members of Sonic Team gradually dispersed, and Sega sometimes flailed as it experimented and tried to regain its footing on other consoles. This could explain why the 2D games are considered better, since these kinds of major development changes can often inhibit the quality of a game.

Finally, one factor that shouldn’t be ignored is nostalgia. For older gamers, the original 2D Sonic titles coincided with their childhood, and younger ones may likewise associate pixel art with an idealized past, even if they weren’t around for it. Of course, that hasn’t stopped Super Mario games from remaining relevant – so it could be that Sonic the Hedgehog is just inherently difficult to make fun in 3D, but still impossible for Sega to abandon, since that would mean losing a character that has defined its identity for decades.

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