Star Wars has brought back several original trilogy characters to the screen in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett’s timeline, and the next best figure to revive is Alden Ehrenreich’s Han Solo, rather than Harrison Ford’s. Originating the role back in Star Wars (1977), Harrison Ford has appeared as Han Solo in every Star Wars iteration except 2018’s Solo: A Star Wars Story, where Alden Ehrenreich took over for the pilot’s youth. Solo had an underwhelming box office performance and critical response, so Han Solo’s progression has remained in Harrison Ford’s image.

The Book of Boba Fett is only set approximately five years after Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi, which leaves room for characters of this era to return. After resolving the idea that original trilogy characters wouldn’t appear in The Mandalorian, the season 2 finale shocked audiences with the return of Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker taking Grogu with the Jedi. The Mandalorian de-aged Hamill to recreate his Luke Skywalker character in this era, which left many fans wondering whether more familiar faces would appear in this timeline. While a Princess Leia appearance seemed unlikely due to Carrie Fisher’s passing, many have suggested that Han Solo and even Qi’ra could return for The Book of Boba Fett, but with Alden Ehrenreich instead of Harrison Ford playing the character.


Although a de-aged Harrison Ford as Han Solo would be exciting, the best iteration of the Star Wars character to revive is Alden’s. The major difference between de-aging Mark Hamill for Luke Skywalker in The Mandalorian’s timeline and de-aging Harrison Ford for Han Solo in the same era is that Mark Hamill is the only actor who has ever portrayed Luke Skywalker on screen. While many have still lobbied for Sebastian Stan to take over Luke Skywalker in The Mandalorian’s Star Wars timeline, Hamill’s return worked best because he’s really the only Luke Skywalker; Han Solo is another story. While Harrison Ford will undoubtedly be the most iconic Han Solo, he’s not the only actor to portray him within the Star Wars universe. Alden portrayed him in 2018, even though Solo‘s Star Wars timeline doesn’t necessarily align with that of The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett.

Bringing back Harrison Ford’s Han Solo so soon after The Mandalorian revived Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker would also have far less of an impact on audience shock and nostalgia. Redoing such a momentous surprise would feel too much like fan service rather than a genuine wish for Ford to bring back his character. Hamill being brought back as Luke Skywalker was extremely special for fans and the actor alike, as he truly has a lifelong connection to and appreciation of his character. Ford, however amazing he may be in the role, isn’t as attached to his Star Wars character and is already going through a possible de-aging return for Indiana Jones 5. The de-aging process for Mark Hamill was also extremely intensive in The Mandalorian, which suggests he won’t have a substantial presence in this timeline. Star Wars can avoid this with Han Solo by bringing back Alden, whose return could grow into more than just a cameo appearance.

Even disregarding the logistics of Harrison Ford’s Star Wars return, Alden’s Han Solo deserves a second chance, and the Disney+ TV shows are the perfect avenue for his return. Disney+ Star Wars series have been the best chance for long-divisive Star Wars film characters to redeem themselves, particularly those in the prequels era, which is around the time Alden’s Solo origin story is set. While Alden’s Millennium Falcon pilot would be conflicting with the image of Harrison Ford’s Han Solo in the post-Return of the Jedi timeframe, there’s a reasonable suspension of disbelief that must be enacted for characters of this timeframe. Return of the Jedi was filmed nearly 40 years ago, so it’s not particularly reasonable for Star Wars to bring back original trilogy characters and for fans to expect them all to be de-aged versions of their original actors. The difference is that Alden’s Han Solo is still believable in this timeframe of Star Wars, and would be an excellent second chance for the actor’s in-universe presence.

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