After being PS4 exclusive for over a year, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim finally makes it way towards the Nintendo Switch in April 2022, and it’s a game Switch owners will want to check out. 13 Sentinels is a 2D side-scrolling adventure with RTS combat and visual novel elements. Players will control 13 protagonists and fulfill the required interactions to advance the overall story. There are different paths, but all will need to be completed before reaching the ending. During combat, people may choose up to six protagonists to control, while the rest defend with their passive skills. Often regarded as one of the most overloooked video games of 2020, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim was well-reviewed, and provides a unique gaming experience.


The art and gameplay design of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim features Vanillaware’s signature hand-painted style. The backgrounds are gorgeous and can really help the player get immersed into the world. The sound design is great as well, especially all the background noise when it pertains to the current setting. A very notable sound design detail is when the characters are in their “Thought Cloud”. Whichever term the cursor is on, the character repeats it to themselves as a soliloquy, which makes people really think that they are in the characters’ mind.

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is heavily story-based. The captivating story is full of Japanese history, science, and technology, with American influences. Though the complex story may seem confusing at first, especially since it’s nonlinear and told in different perspectives, it will all make sense once the game is completed. A bit of patience is needed, and once the ending draws near, everything will work itself out. Character connections and even the strangest relationships formed all make sense. Mystery Points in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim can be used to unlock files in “Analysis” section of the game, which recaps the story in a linear fashion.

13 Sentinels Has Positive LGBTQ+ Depictions & Fast-Paced Combat

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim also has many positive LGBTQ+ aspects, with multiple members of the game’s cast being visibly LGBTQ+. Iori Fuyusaka, for one, shares a moment with Yuki Takamiya, a character who also contravenes masculine stereotypes. Yuki can easily beat up a rival school gang, smokes, and has a foul mouth, often heard cursing or picking fights. Considering the setting of the game, Yuki Takamiya is a notable character that expands upon traditional gender roles.

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Another example of 13 Sentinels‘ LGBTQ+ depictions is the relationship between Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino. After unlocking Hijiyama, one of 13 Sentinels‘ characters, players are immediately aware of his crush on Okino, when the latter was dressing in women’s clothing. Tsusaka Okino is biologically male, but states that they don’t really follow the gender binary. After Takatoshi finds out Okino’s real identity, he questions his affections for Okino, but that doesn’t stop him from getting jealous or blushing whenever Okino flirts with him, regardless of how Okino dresses.

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim‘s fast-paced RTS combat system is noteworthy. There are three difficulty levels, and they can be switched any time. Each of the 13 protagonists has their own special sentinel with their own set of skills and weapons in 13 Sentinels that are fully upgradeable and customizable. Every hit feels impactful and leaves the player feeling satisfied. The battles can be very intense, and some will require more strategy than others. Certain characters have passives that work well with other certain characters, proving the game’s important relationships and sense of humor.

Fans of science-fiction and story-based video games with a large cast of characters who own a Nintendo Switch will definitely want to give 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim a try when it releases April 12, 2022. The assimilation of American aspects into Japanese culture makes for a very interesting narrative. Some characters may seem irrelevant at first, but once they get more involved, players will start to really grow fond of them. The protagonists are both admirable and dislikeable, but that’s what makes a complex character relatable.

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