Warning! Spoilers ahead for Justice League #60!

The latest issue of Justice League just proved that the team’s newest enemy, Brutus, is stronger than Superman. Readers get a look at how incredibly strong Brutus is as the League enacts its plan to take down DC’s new, brutal villain. During the fight, Hippolyta is wiped out and claims that it was the hardest she’d been hit “in a very long time.” The Justice League are up against one of their most formidable foes in a long time.

Likewise, Superman has always been know as one of DC’s strongest heroes. Powered by the Earth’s yellow sun, Superman is normally able to take on nearly every threat that the universe throws at him. However, what could be a problem is that by the end of the issue, the Justice League go to Brutus and Naomi’s planet. It’s unlikely that this planet orbits a yellow sun, therefore, there’s a high chance Superman could be weaker. Many reasons are brought up that could prove how it’s likely that Justice League’s new villain is the stronger alien being.


In Justice League #60 by Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez, and Tamra Bonvillain, Naomi provides some background on Brutus’ history. She reveals that he survived a war of attrition and that nearly every powered being was killed. It’s evident that he’s experienced a lot and that he’s had to adapt. Superman has talked about how being able to adapt is his greatest asset. That is exactly what Brutus has done; he’s been through the ropes and came out alive. Although Superman has been a superhero for many years, comparatively, it looks like the Justice League’s new villain is perhaps better in the field.

Like Superman, Brutus’ powers are complemented by his arrival on Earth. But it’s not the same kind of leveling-up as Superman’s relationship to the yellow sun. Brutus claims that prior to arriving on Earth he’s “been living in poison,” meaning that he’s had to endure and adapt. That level of strength, born from surviving years in a poisonous atmosphere where people would normally die, proves that he has a leg up on the Man of Steel. Superman has been challenged before, but never for such an extensive period of time. In his few encounters with the heroes of Earth, Brutus has proven to be a being of raw power. However, what could be his greatest weapon is his intelligence. The latest issues of Justice League showcase that he anticipated the League’s arrival and that he knew he’d need to prepare longer to defeat them.

Brutus has a severe reaction to Hawkgirl’s Nth metal, and it’s been theorized that this could be something related to magic. Magic, in the past, has often reacted to Nth metal. Therefore, the League assumes that his powers could somehow be sourced from magic. Additionally, it’s been suggested that Brutus is perhaps out of frequency with the Justice League‘s dimension, which could enhance his abilities. Ultimately, Superman is one of the strongest heroes in DC’s universe and the fact that Brutus has gone through much more could be what gives him the edge. Justice League #60 is available in comic book shops and on digital platforms now.

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