Fear The Walking Dead‘s season 7 premiere proves a Victor Strand never changes its spots, but why does he kill Will in the episode’s climax? The nuclear explosion that concluded Fear The Walking Dead season 6 altered the spinoff’s landscape completely. As if hordes of undead weren’t post-apocalyptic enough, the fallout from Teddy’s bomb created a radioactive wasteland, leaving every nearby survivor worse off than before. Everyone, that is, except Victor Strand. Played by Colman Domingo, Strand has been performing ethical gymnastics since Fear The Walking Dead‘s debut season – simultaneously capable of selfless heroics and unapologetic greed.


Shortly before Teddy’s detonation, Strand found shelter with Howard, who was hoarding an entire museum in an office block several stories high. Beating his host for drive, charisma and dominance, Strand quickly assumed control of Howard’s operation, and when Fear The Walking Dead season 7 begins, their community is thriving, with food, shelter, protection and golf. Strand, of course, is taking full advantage, living like the glorified king of his post-apocalyptic castle. Typically choosy about those invited into his kingdom, Strand quickly deems Will unworthy upon meeting… until the newcomer reveals a secret connection to Alicia Clark. The pair head out in search of Strand’s fellow Fear The Walking Dead OG, but by the end of their adventure, he’s ruthlessly tossing Will from the settlement’s roof. Though seemingly a spontaneous decision, there’s a good (albeit wholly villainous) reason Strand murders young William.

Strand kills Will to make a statement to himself. Colman Domingo’s Fear The Walking Dead character has always flitted between good and evil, and when season 7’s premiere begins, he’s more rotten than ever. By invoking Alicia’s spirit, Will almost breathes life into Victor Strand’s good side, and this scares him, meaning Will has to go.

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Before Strand clocks Will’s link to Alicia, he fully intends to send the survivor back into the wild after a plate of spaghetti and a side dish of interrogation. This proves Strand isn’t the type of leader who kills whenever someone discovers his location. After heading off to find Alicia, Victor is initially relying on his companion to lead the way, but midway through their journey, realizes Will is surplus to requirements, saying, “I don’t need you, I’ll make the journey myself.” They reunite eventually, and Strand passes up multiple opportunities to kill Will, suggesting the murder wasn’t planned in advance, nor was Strand simply keeping Will alive until his usefulness expired.

Fear The Walking Dead season 7’s Alicia hunt ends with Strand and Will in the Franklin Hotel’s empty lobby pondering a mysterious clue (“PADRE”) and genuinely bonding over their shared love for Alicia. Strand comforts Will in a manner he surely wouldn’t if murder were on his mind, and vulnerably admits to “needing” Alicia. Again, Victor could easily bump off Will at any time here, but chooses not to. Strand’s mind only appears to change once the duo get back home.

When Fear The Walking Dead season 7 begins, Strand is a ruthless leader reaping the hard work of his people and enjoying the few finer things the world still has to offer. This version of Strand wants to find Alicia, but only to prove he didn’t need her and, essentially, show off his success. Journeying with Will and coming close to a reunion with Alicia, Strand is reminded of the man he “once tried to be.” By the time he gets back home, Strand decides he doesn’t want to be “nice guy Victor” again, and would much rather remain the ruler of his own little realm, selfish uncaring… and alive. Not only does Will represent an unwanted connection to Alicia Clark (who Strand is now resolved to never meet again, for fear of being redeemed), he also represents the values of togetherness, cooperation and love Strand is desperately trying to leave behind. By killing Will, Strand is proving to himself that the virtuous Victor who Alicia once helped bring to the surface is dead.

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