Despite Life Is Strange‘s successful past entries, it is unlikely that players will ever see Chloe and Max together again in a new game. Life is Strange is a masterpiece for its target market, with in-depth writing and a nostalgic atmosphere. It held a lasting impact due to its ability to let players fully dive into Arcadia Bay’s story, and the announcement of a Life Is Strange remastered version with improved animation and better visuals has been welcome news for fans.

Along with Life is Strange and Before the Storm remastered, Square Enix announced a new chapter, Life is Strange: True Colors, that will be released on September 10. Despite its feeble connection to Before the Storm thanks to a returning character, Steph, True Colors is a new, original story focused on a brand-new protagonist. This alone could be proof enough that Square Enix has moved on from the old main characters and wants to tell new stories, just like with the previous Life is Strange 2, released in episodes between 2018 and 2019.


Life is Strange ends with a choice: sacrificing the protagonist’s best friend Chloe or let a storm completely destroy Arcadia Bay. Having a sequel would mean making one of the two endings canon, and that is unlikely since the developers probably don’t want to compromise the game’s main objective, which is letting players choose how to proceed themselves.

Life Is Strange: Max, Chole, and Rachel’s Story Is Over

Making Chloe’s sacrifice or the town’s destruction canon would mean undermining all the players’ previous choices in Life is Strange. Making one ending a start for another title irremediably makes the other ending, and the whole game as intended by the developers, completely pointless. In an interview with US Gamer, Philip Bache, Dontnod’s Voice Director, said “It would almost upset me to find out one is canon. Like, you’re being told, ‘Hey cool, you made a choice. That choice was wrong.’ I would feel bad because what’s so gut wrenching about the game is the choice at the end.” He added “The point of the game is not to give that linear conclusion. It’s a choose-your-own adventure book. You can ask which one is canon, but that’s not how it works in a choose-your-own adventure book.

Fans have already had a prequel, Before the Storm, with the beginning of Chloe and Rachel’s story, so they won’t likely have another one about them. Regarding Max, she gained her powers only after moving back to Arcadia Bay, so her previous life in Seattle would be of no interest for a game centered on supernatural powers. Realistically, after causing the storm in Life is Strange, Max probably wouldn’t even use the powers again.

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Co-Director Michel Koch thinks there is nothing left to tell. In an interview with IGN, he stated “Everyone loved Max, Chloe, Rachel from Before the Storm. But… it’s done. We three have nothing more to tell. We don’t want to. Other people will do it, and it’s okay. There is a lot of fan fiction and that’s perfect. When the audience appropriates those characters, it’s the most wonderful thing when you create something, it’s perfect. But for us, we have nothing more to do.” Max and Chloe’s story has been told, but there will likely be more stories that will expand the Life is Strange universe even more.

Sources: US Gamer, IGN

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