The recent Sony State of Play saw Square Enix take center stage as the showcase’s stinger as it unveiled the details of the Final Fantasy VII Remake – Intergrade. On the side of that, Square also announced some supplementary Final Fantasy games coming down the line, with one of them being the mobile game Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis.

Coincidentally, this is also a remake of the 1997 classic and more so the 1:1 adaptation some fans expected with last year’s triple-A blockbuster. It presents a smaller-scale remake that takes the original more literally, bringing back classic game mechanics as well. It’s an interesting alternative take to the game in the modern-day that could be exciting. However, there will understandably be some reservations.

10 Excited: The Best Of Both Worlds

As suggested, one exciting aspect to come from Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis is the fact that it could give fans the best of both worlds in terms of remaking the classic PlayStation game. The current Final Fantasy VII Remake and its soon-t0-be sequel(s) will be “remaking” the game and certain elements of the original story in order to take the plot to some newer directions outside of the expanded world/characters.

It seems like this has taken inspiration to the approach from Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition in terms of alternate takes. Obviously, this won’t fully satiate the fans that wanted a triple-A 1:1 untouched adaptation, but this version has its own potential.

9 Worried: Forever Stuck On Mobile

Of course, the biggest concern–and all the “sub-concerns” that stem from it–is that this game, at least for the time being, is strictly a mobile-platform game. The trailer looked visually/aesthetically appealing in its presentation of a more straightforward artistic remake of Final Fantasy VII, though many are wondering if the mobile platforms will hold it back.

Not just graphically, but in terms of content. Having the power of, say, PS4 and Nintendo Switch at its disposal could bolster its potential. Not to mention that this seems like a perfect game for the Switch in terms of accessibility and the handheld appeal.


8 Excited: Eventual Ports

The coinciding reason to be excited for Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis would, naturally, be for Square Enix to release eventual ports to other gaming platforms. Should this happen, it will understandably be ways off since the game on mobile isn’t launching until 2022. However, it could easily pay off in the end. As mentioned already, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X don’t need to worry about it because a port to PS4 and Switch would be more than enough.

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PC would also be great, as the components available for gaming PCs are highly variable and Ever Crisis won’t be demanding. Ports would also give players a supplement to Remake and give gamers who didn’t have access to last year’s game better platforms a chance to play remake of FFVII (PS4/PS5).

7 Worried: Gacha Mechanics

Mobile games are infamous for this and it’s been recently revealed that it will, unsurprisingly, feature “gacha” mechanics. Tetsuya Nomura revealed that Ever Crisis will be “free-to-play” in terms of the plot, but this microtransaction methodology will be required for unlocking weapons.

MTX has obviously and unfortunately made itself a foundation in several triple-A consoles and PC games as well, so while it’s expected in a mobile game, it’s nonetheless disappointing to see an FFVII remake suffer from this. Gacha mechanics could be the reason fans might not see this game come to consoles/PC. If gacha is as egregious as fans would expect, it won’t be wanted anyway on these platforms.

6 Excited: New Avenue For Remakes

Though the last thing fans will want is for future games to be remade on mobile platforms with intrusive microtransactions, this could at least prove a new artistic avenue for some Final Fantasy games. While it would be excellent for every potential future remake to get the budget and production value that Remake did/is, this could be ideal for other games.

One that comes to mind is Final Fantasy VI, as that’s originally a sprite-based game on the Super Nintendo and Game Boy Advance. Its own acclaim earned factions of fans to hail it as the best in the series and the more literal, smaller-scale stylistic approach that Ever Crisis is taking could fit this game like a glove.

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5 Worried: Episodic Rollout

It’s confirmed that the game’s chapters will be free, though it will roll them out episodically. While it’s not inherently a problem, as adventure games and even Hitman have taken this approach to their varying success, it seems frustrating for an RPG.

Especially so for a remake of an RPG that’s over 20 years old and is already getting a triple-A remake. Not to mention that this seems to be one of the caveats for making the game “free-to-play.” The gacha mechanics added on top will make this harder to contemplate.

4 Excited: Crisis Core Remake (Sort Of)

Definitely the most ambitious and surprising thing about Ever Crisis was exactly how much story it will have. The trailer revealed that it isn’t just the story of the original being adapted in a more straightforward fashion, but all the Compilation projects. This endeavor included various media to expand upon the world, lore, story, and characters of FFVII, and it included the beloved PSP game Crisis Core.

The game begs a more accessible, modern remake (or even just a remaster) and fans are (sort of) getting it. At some point in the chapter rollouts, Crisis Core will be remade as part of the overall Ever Crisis.

3 Worried: Final Fantasy I/II/VI etc. With Gacha Microtransactions

Naturally, a fear fans would have should other games in the series get this remake treatment is if it comes with strings attached. The disappointment would be Diablo Immortal-like if Square Enix announced an FFVI remake, only for it to be a gacha-packed mobile game.

It’s already clear the game would be ripe for an Ever Crisis-style artistic remake. Even older, more inaccessible and dated games like and II could get a fresh injection of life in this format. Adding gacha to hypothetical remakes for these would one step forward, two steps back.

2 Excited: Advent Children Remake (Sort Of)

Another Compilation project, the CGI-anime movie Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is set to be remade (also sort of) for Ever Crisis. The original movie received a mixed reception for having a convoluted plot that made little-to-no effort to appeal to audiences new to the franchise. However, being the game or, in this case, being part of the plot of an overall game could make things far more seamless.

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Along with the other compilation stories, this is a great way of packing the original FFVII timeline into one game. If necessary, the plot of Advent Children could be adjusted to slot in the game and its episodic nature.

1 Worried: Dashed Hopes For a Proper Crisis Core Remake/Remaster

Going back to Crisis Core could also potentially backfire if Ever Crisis is received poorly. Since the reveal of Final Fantasy VII Remake, and especially so following the game’s success last year, fans have clamored for a proper remake or remaster of the PSP game.

Though FFVIIR throws a wrench in the original’s plot, a Crisis Core remake could be done for this purpose. Still, the game would still be welcomed remastered on systems like PS4, PC, and Switch just so it’s actually accessible to play again and with a bit of a graphical facelift (e.g. FFVIII). Good or not, Ever Crisis adds credence to this hope possibly being dashed.

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