The final season of Game of Thrones contained several shocking moments that left behind a slew of unresolved mysteries. The Night King and his army of wights descended on Winterfell during “The Long Night,” only to meet a sudden end at the hands of Arya Stark. Her unexpected defeat of the Night King left fans wondering if her character is the prophesied figure, Azor Ahai, and if her book counterpart will replicate this feat.

Game of Thrones diverged from its source material in the fifth season onward. With the vast differences between the books and the show, the alternate fates of fan-favorite characters like Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, and Daenerys Targaryen are unknown. Arya’s defeat of the White Walkers remains a mystery — among other moments.

10 Arya Stark = Azor Ahai?

Arya Stark shocked audiences worldwide when she picked up an unexpected win over the Night King. Despite foreshadowing that Jon Snow would face the White Walker in battle during the final season, it was the youngest Stark sister who ultimately defeated the ice zombie with a Valyrian steel dagger.

These events will likely play out differently in the books. The Night King doesn’t feature in A Song of Ice and Fire. Instead, there are stories of a mythical figure known as the Night’s King, who reigned during the Age of Heroes.

9 The Rise Of King Bran

Game of Thrones fans spent years debating who would eventually rule Westeros. Another unexpected moment in the series featured the ascension of Bran Stark, who was elected king at the Dragonpit meeting in the finale “The Iron Throne.”

Bran’s kingly endgame has been confirmed for the books. His journey to the throne remains a mystery, however. He could inherit the Northern throne in Sansa’s place, or follow his show counterpart’s path to the crown.


8 Will Ice Kill Fire In The Books?

Fans of Daenerys were dismayed to see her descent in season 8 from Breaker of Chains to Destroyer of Cities. The Mother of Dragons succumbed to Targaryen madness and incinerated King’s Landing with Drogon in “The Bells.” The series finale saw Jon Snow murder his aunt/lover to prevent further war.

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Currently, the fates of the last Targaryens in the books remain unknown. Ice could still kill fire, or the Khaleesi could meet a different end while fighting the White Walkers.

7 What Did Melisandre Do In Volantis?

Melisandre remained one of the most mysterious characters throughout the HBO series. In season 7, the Red Priestess proclaimed that she had “brought ice and fire together,” and announced her intentions to travel to Volantis.

Many fans speculated that Melisandre would be returning with the Fiery Hand, soldiers from the Temple of R’hllor. The Red Priestess played a pivotal part in “The Long Night,” though her time in Volantis remains another unanswered mystery.

6 Is Bran A Bad Guy?

The reigning King of Westeros’ true intentions is a debated topic in the fandom. Bran was an aloof ally to Jon, Daenerys, and the rest of the living during “The Long Night,” though many of his decisions from the final season align to a more sinister conclusion.

Bran orchestrated the Battle of Winterfell’s defenses to protect him at all costs, like a grisly game of chess. Despite foreseeing King’s Landing destruction, Bran does nothing to intervene, allowing Daenerys to burn the city before being killed by Jon.

5 Why Is The Night King Fireproof?

The final season of Game of Thrones revealed some information about the Night King, but much still remains a mystery. During “The Long Night,” the ice zombie survives a direct blast of dragonfire from Daenerys and Drogon, to the astonishment of fans.

Why the Night King survived his fiery fate remains unknown. Dragonfire’s magical properties were no match for the leader of the White Walkers, despite its connection to Valyrian steel.

4 Will The Starks Have The Same Endgame In The Books?

The surviving Stark siblings had happy conclusions to their arcs during the finale. Bran was chosen to be the new king by Tyrion and the leaders of the Seven Kingdoms; Sansa became Queen in the North after asking her brother for Northern independence; Arya embarked on a voyage west of Westeros.

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The Starks’ endgames may likely be entirely different in the books. The show veered from the source material in vital places during previous seasons, and their book counterparts are currently leading separate journeys.

3 Wildfire During The Destruction Of King’s Landing

Season 8’s “The Bells” saw the Capitol of Westeros destroyed in an inferno of dragonfire when Daenerys descended on the city. During the destruction, multiple caches of wildfire were also ignited, suggesting that there could have been a plan in place from the other Mad Queen after all.

Fans theorized that Cersei would use wildfire again, as she did with the Sept of Baelor in season 6’s “The Winds of Winter.” Alternatively, the wildfire could have been the remainders of the Mad King’s supply; Daenerys could still destroy King’s Landing in the books by accidentally setting off her father’s wildfire.

2 Why Isn’t Tyrion In The Book?

Tyrion Lannister was one of the show’s most popular characters. His adventures and misdeeds altered the course of history in Westeros, yet he doesn’t feature in Archmaester Embrose’s history book, A Song of Ice andFire, in the series finale.

Tyrion’s omission from the book seems strange considering his vast influence across the country. He served three monarchs, told Jon to kill Daenerys, and elected the new king. His capture by Catelyn Stark in season 1 ignited the tension between House Stark and House Lannister, leading to the War of the Five Kings.

1 What Does The Future Look Like For Westeros And Essos?

“The Iron Throne” was a resolute conclusion for the characters, though much about the future of Westeros and Essos remains a mystery. King Bran and Queen Sansa ascended their thrones but little is known about their reigns. Westeros was wounded by the Long Night and the Battle of King’s Landing, whereas its sister country also faces a similarly uncertain fate.

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Daenerys’ death could undo her abolition of slavery in the Bay of Dragons. Essos could face further war if the masters decide to declare war on Meereen once more. Many events from the final season remain shrouded in mystery; time will tell if the books will shed light on these unanswered questions.

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