Warning: contains spoilers for Batman/Catwoman #3!

The daughter of Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne faces a difficult moral conundrum in the latest issue of Batman/Catwoman from Tom King and Clay Mann. King first teased his version of Helena Wayne back in 2017’s Batman Annual#2. There, it was revealed that Helena takes up the mantle of Gotham’s Batwoman long after her parents retire from their Batman and Catwoman personas in their old age.

Batman/Catwoman tracks the sordid history of the Bat and the Cat through the lens of three interconnected timelines – the past, present and future. Issue three of the twelve-issue maxi-series picks up right after the shocking events of the last chapter, which saw an elder Selina tracking down a retired old-man Joker and killing him once and for all. Bruce has just passed away in this future timeline, and since he was the one thing standing between Selina and her vengeance, the former cat burglar no longer had anyone to stop her from finally killing the Joker.


Are you Catwoman? Or are you Batman?” This is the question posed by the Joker to Selina in the past timeline, but it can just as easily apply to Helena and the choice she’s faced with in the future. Earlier on in the issue, Helena updates her mother on the discovery of the Joker’s body. Unashamed of what she did, Selina looks her daughter in the eye and goes on a tangent about the compromises she’s had to make throughout her lifetime. Without outright saying it, Selina is subtly explaining herself to her daughter, telling her of the moral boundaries that a survivor must learn to cross.

Helena informs her mother at the dinner table that she investigated the crime scene. Selina once again looks her daughter directly in the eye and asks her if she found any clues, to which Helena replies that the scene was clean. But by issue’s end, it’s shown Helena discovered a clue that seems to confirm Selina’s involvement in the Joker’s murder. While she’s clearly concealing what she knows for the time being, Helena’s choice to either turn Selina in or protect her from the consequences of murder will ultimately determine whether she takes more after her mother or her father. Will she sympathize with her mother’s choice and understand that killing the Joker was what needed to be done, or will her moral obligations as Batwoman outweigh her familial ties?

With nine issues to go, it’s anyone’s guess what Helena will do next. One thing’s for sure though; King is already setting up his storyline to be a complex investigation of vigilantism and morality. Bruce’s very relationship with Selina is so intriguing because they both encompass two very different ideologies, yet despite their differences, they managed to find a kinship and commonality in the extreme lives they lived. Now, all these years later, their daughter is left to evaluate the opposing viewpoints of her mother and father and carve out her own path. Perhaps by the end of this series, Helena Wayne will embody the best of both Catwoman and the Batman. Perhaps she’ll embody their worst.

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