Throughout Will & Grace, Grace Adler was best known for being the quirky and sometimes neurotic interior designer who often had to be brought back down to earth by her best friend, Will. She also had a way of getting herself into remarkable situations that always had hilarious results.

Grace mainly relied on sarcasm as her main source of humor and used it relentlessly when defending herself or taking a jab at one of her friends. Despite the fact that she could sometimes be a bit all over the place, she always had a witty and unique take on things that resulted in many memorable quotes.


When She Objected To Will’s Sentiment

“Objection! The Familiar Cutening Of My Name Implies We Like Each Other!”

Will and Grace had one of the best friendships in TV sitcom history, but that didn’t mean that they didn’t squabble from time to time. In “Terms of Employment,” Grace attempted to sue a client and asked Will to represent the case for her. However, Will ended up accepting a job offer from the client instead, leaving Grace feeling betrayed.

As she tried to represent herself in the case, Will tried to reconcile with her, calling her “Gracie.” The scene itself was funny, as Grace failed in her attempts to defend herself, but this quote was a highlight. Her use of legal terms to object to Will’s statement was as cute as it was comical and showed Grace at her frantic best.

When She Mocked Karen’s “Work” Schedule

“If You’re Looking For Your Aunt Karen, She’s Not Here. She Doesn’t Work On Days That End With … Day.”

Karen was notorious for never showing up on time for work, or sometimes not even showing up at all. Despite the fact that she was Grace’s assistant, it was clear throughout the show that Karen’s place at Grace’s business was more for show than anything else.

However, Grace accepted Karen’s role and once more used humor to express her frustration rather than show her outward annoyance. Grace said this accurate line to Karen’s nephew in “Mad Dogs and Average Men,” and summed up Karen’s work ethic and Grace’s resignation towards it with a comical sense of clarity.

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When She Gave Jack A Warning

“Hey Jack-World, How About You Move Your Jack-Feet Before I Kick Your Jack-A**?”

Despite the fact that their friendship didn’t get as much screen time as others throughout Will & Grace, Jack and Grace’s relationship was a chaotic and wonderfully weird one. They almost acted like siblings, at times, which resulted in many funny moments between the two.

In one episode, the two were at odds with each other again as Jack was ironically talking about putting himself first, without paying attention to the fact that he was in Grace’s way as she was trying to work. Grace retorted with this quick and witty line, using Jack’s stage name to get a dig in at him, and it was another example of Grace’s wit coming into play when forming a comeback.

When She Disagreed With Will

“Yeah, In A Parallel Universe Where My Hair Is Straight And So Are You.”

Grace had a complicated relationship with her father, and it was often depicted throughout Will & Grace. Therefore, when Will stated that her dad was “great,” she was bewildered at Will’s cavalier attitude and uttered this quote in response.

Grace often used sarcasm to argue her case and diffuse tension, and this line was no different. Her reference to her wild hair and Will’s sexuality in the same quick comeback was a great example of Grace’s witty sense of humor, especially when she was using it to defend herself.

When She A Had A Valid Reason

“When We Broke Up, It Was For Totally Different Reasons. I Wanted To Raise The Kids Jewish, You Wanted To Sleep With Men.”

Grace was understandably heartbroken when she learned that Will was gay, as shown in one of the funniest episodes of Will & Grace: “Lows in The Mid-Eighties.” Yet, she eventually moved on from her romantic love for Will, aware that the two were better off as friends anyway.

This is also led to many off-hand references to their time in a romantic relationship, like Grace’s funny anecdote here. Grace always had a brilliant way of wording things, and her placement of her want to raise her children Jewish before the overriding factor that Will was gay showed this perfectly.

When She Tried To Educate Karen

“Guilt. Oh Boy. Okay. How Am I Gonna Explain This One? Uh … Guilt Is An Emotion That – Okay. Jumping Ahead. An Emotion Is Something That …”

Grace and Karen had one of the best friendships on Will & Grace, as the two always brought out the funny side in each other, especially when they were bickering. Usually, it was Karen who would be mocking Grace, but on the rare occasion that the shoe was on the other foot, Grace never failed to let the moment go.

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Whilst there was some seriousness to her point, as she was aware that Karen was not well versed in things like feelings, the line was masked in an exaggerated tone that made it more comical than anything. Steeped in sarcasm and an understanding of Karen’s apathetic nature, this was one of Grace’s more subtle, but great lines.

When She Was Being Wishful

“Sometimes I Wish I Were A Republican. Then I Wouldn’t Have To Worry About Anyone’s Feelings. The Only Thing I’d Have To Worry About Is Being Indicted.”

The humor throughout Will & Grace was always on point, but it was particularly great when giving commentary on things like politics. As fans of the show know, Grace could sometimes act irrationally when trying to do something which she thought was good, and this was one of those times.

In the episode “Cowboys and Iranians,” Grace waywardly tried to address her feelings of guilt around her privilege as a white woman, by hiring a Middle Eastern woman as her new assistant. However, when the woman turned out to be terrible at the job, Grace said this comical line. The quote was the perfect example of Grace’s unique and witty take on the world, with the reference to the political party a funny and even accurate one.

When She Made A Good Point

“Karen, The First Three Letters In Assistant Spell A**, So Get Off Yours!”

Whilst Karen had some excellent one-liners, Grace did too, especially when they were aimed at her assistant. Whenever Karen deigned to turn up to her and Grace’s place of work, more often than not, she caused more problems than she solved, which in this case, led to Grace hilariously calling Karen out.

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Karen’s relaxed approach to her job was something that Grace was somewhat used to, but that didn’t stop her from speaking her mind from time to time, and the results were always hilarious. This line is a great example of Grace channeling her frustration at Karen into a witty and direct quip, and it was one of her best.

When She Threatened Jack

“Do Whatever You Want, ‘Cause Today I’m Handing Out Lollipops And A**-Whoopings And Right Now, I’m All Out Of Lollipops.”

Grace had an unusual way of expressing her anger, as she turned to humor to make her point a lot of the time, and showed just how sassy she could be in the process. After Jack had been persistently annoying her in the episode “Ben? Her?” Grace fired back with this retort.

Jack always had a way of getting himself involved with other people’s business, but in this instance, Grace was having none of it. Her line was the perfect blend of a jokey threat and an actual warning for Jack not to mess with her, and it was a great comeback.

When She Talked About Marriage Problems

“I Do Not Know Where You Got The Idea That I Am Your Wife, But Let Me Tell You Something, If That’s True, We’ve Got Marital Problems Because Mrs. Truman’s Getting A Lot Of Action On The Side!”

Joe and Larry’s wedding in the episode “Coffee and Commitment,” showed Will and Grace butting heads again. Will tried to separate himself from Grace in fear that the two were becoming more and more like a married couple every day, and Grace was confused as to why Will would even think that of their relationship.

When Will finally confronted Grace as to why he was being distant, Grace said this hilarious line. Not only did she effortlessly diffuse the argument, but she also made a great point. Sometimes, when Grace tried to defend herself she could get flustered, but here she balanced her argument with humor and it was a witty moment for her character.

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