A new mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has changed the game’s magic spells, essentially turning Geralt into a mage. The mod allows Geralt to wield powerful spells with the ease of a few button presses. The Witcher‘s Geralt is called the White Wolf because of his appearance and prowess as a combatant. Witchers are capable of casting weak spells, known as signs, to help them on their journey. However, this mod, created by menshfeind13, makes the White Wolf a hurricane of elemental sorcery with an arsenal of destructive magic.

Witcher signs are a fun way to implement multipurpose abilities into a game. Not only are they effective in combat, but these spells have various other uses to solve problems players may face on their travels. In The Witcher 3, there are five different signs to be cast. Aard sends a telekinetic wave to throw back opponents and destroy objects, Yrden immobilizes or slows down enemies in combat, Igni can burn opponents and light objects, Quen creates a protective shield around Geralt and the Axii sign can be used to charm an enemy or pacify someone in a conversation. While all these spells are useful tools in a Witcher’s arsenal, some are signs are more powerful than others. This mod to Geralt’s spells makes his normal signs look like magic tricks.


Menshfeind13 originally created and uploaded his mod to Nexus Mods over a year ago on July 31, 2020. Since then, they have continued to update the files, with the most recent update being on December 12, 2021. According to the description on the website, the mod “Brings in 25 pocket and trophy magical items that allow you to cast a buffet of spells.” Using these spells in The Witcher 3 is as simple as equipping the items in the inventory, opening the radial menu, and pressing the cast spell key “E by default.” Each ability can be assigned to a different sign, so players will need to choose the desired effect before casting the spell from the mod.

This Witcher 3 Mod Gives Geralt Wild Magical Abilities

This mod gives Geralt so many destructive spells that he could rival powerful mages like Yennefer of Vengerberg in The Witcher 3. When paired with each sign, the effects of the magical item vary tremendously. Players can gain the ability to quickly weave from one opponent to the next, slashing in sequence, by assigning the Tome of Transference to Igni. When adventurers pair the Grimoire of the Old Gods and the Quen sign, Geralt dashes to a foe and does a swift flurry of slashes. However, not all effects damage the opponent. Equipping the Tome “Eye of the Storm,” modifies the players rolling during combat with a spinning cloud-like silhouette.

Menshfeind13 really outdid themselves with this mod. They changed Geralt from a melee-focused fighter to a force to be reckoned with at any range. Anyone who wants to download the mod can do so by following the link to the upload embedded in this article. Geralt is one of the most fearsome Witchers, and this is shown particularly in The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, but this mod makes him an elemental sorcerer.

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Source: Nexus Mods

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