Among the multitude of quests available in The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, many involve the use of curses. “The Nithing” quest has Geralt encounter Lothar, a man whose young son has been cursed. Players discovered that a Nithing – a horse skull on a pole with Tjalve’s name carved into it – was planted outside Lothar’s house and is responsible for the curse that caused his son to fall ill on the verge of death.

“The Nithing” is a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it secondary quest available to players in the Skellige Isles region. With a recommended level of 14, the quest can be accepted either at the town Rannvaig’s notice board or by speaking directly with Lothar at his hut, just Southeast of the town. After accepting the quest and speaking to Lothar, players learn that they can save the son either by convincing the creator of the Nithing to lift the curse themselves, or by reflecting the curse on the creator by writing their name on the shaft. Both options presented require the player to first discover who is responsible for the Nithing.


After using their Witcher senses to investigate and follow a set of tracks leading away from the Nithing, players discover a shawl left behind by the maker of the curse. Continuing to pursue the set of footprints leads the player into town, where the tracks fade, and they must then inquire amongst the various Rannvaig townsfolk if anyone recognizes who the shawl belongs to. After speaking to an unnamed Skellige woman standing near the docks, players discover the shawl belongs to Jonna, the town’s herbalist. Confronting her, Jonna admits to planting the Nithing and claims it was revenge on Lothar for leaving her after ten years together without even a word and stealing her dignity. Jonna says she will lift the curse if Lothar renounces his son and returns to her.

The Nithing Quest Choices In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

After returning to Lothar at his house and delivering Jonna’s demands, the Witcher must make a decision on how to stop the curse. The first option has Jonna remove the curse, but only if Lothar abandons his family and returns to her. The second option is to reflect the curse from Lothar’s son back onto Jonna.

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Agreeing to the first option allows completion of the quest without anyone dying, however, having Lothar denounce his wife and son would strip them of their honor and leave them penniless.  Completing the quest with this option rewards players with 75 XP. Opting for the second option, players will write Jonna’s name on the back of the Nithing and aim the curse towards her instead. After doing so, players must return to Lothar to let him know the curse on his son has been lifted to complete the quest. Completing the quest with this option rewards players with 25 XP and 60 crowns, the in-game currency.

As with many of the quests in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, whichever of the options players choose will be reflected later on in-game. Players interested in more XP should spare Jonna, while players interested in earning more money should kill her. Depending on which option players choose, revisiting Rannvagg will either greet them with a reluctant Lothar and Jonna reunited as a couple, or with Lothar’s son having recovered and Jonna absent.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

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