After a lengthy wait, Telltale Games’ The Wolf Among Us 2 finally received an official trailer that showcased several new and returning characters for the franchise. While many story and gameplay details are still unknown, players can deduce several storylines that may take place during The Wolf Among Us 2. If the game follows the Fables comic storyline, fans can expect more worldbuilding and character development with Fabletown citizens. However, the appearance of several new and returning characters provides even more information that could reveal Bigby Wolf’s upcoming challenges.

The Wolf Among Us 2 trailer gave fans a proper teaser for the upcoming second season, showcasing a brief glimpse of Bigby Wolf’s next adventure. Identifying as a public investigator in a therapy group, viewers watch as Bigby scopes out a motel. It’s soon revealed that Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man reside in the motel for unknown reasons. The cluttered floor suggests the group has been hiding out awhile, likely from Bigby Wolf, who has a warrant for their arrest (or one of their arrests). Viewers then witness Bigby Wolf’s first battle against Fables since the first game concluded, watching him fight the Scarecrow and Tin Man before being thrown through a wall. Finally, Fabletown’s Sheriff appears in his wolf form, and the trailer cuts to the title screen.


For a while, it was unknown whether or not Wolf Among Us would survive after Telltale Games went out of business. Thankfully, a buyout revived the company after LCG Entertainment purchased its IPs and rehired many previous staff members. The Wolf Among Us was one of several IPs to be restored and promised a continuation, resulting in the story’s next chapter shown in the trailer. The Wolf Among Us is heavily inspired by the Fables comics written by Bill Willingham that embraces a grittier, darker side of beloved, classic fairy tales.

The Wolf Among Us 2 Features Bigby Wolf

Telltale Games’ The Wolf Among Us wouldn’t be the same without Bigby Wolf, aka the Big Bad Wolf and the player character. The Sheriff of Fabletown is one of many storybook villains trying to make a living in the mortal world. Despite his monstrous lupine appearance and his unfortunate reputation for devouring innocents, Bigby Wolf’s heart is in the right place. He does what’s best for Fabletown while fighting his base instincts and strives to make a new name for himself outside his bloody legacy. Unsurprisingly, Bigby Wolf is extremely powerful and feared by most Fabletown citizens, though players’ choices can influence his public image.

The Tin Man Battles Bigby In The Wolf Among Us 2

The most intimidating new character featured in The Wolf Among Us 2 trailer is Tin Man, whose mechanical appearance needs to be covered by bulky clothes to pass unnoticed. He’s seen entering a motel and joining the Scarecrow and Dorothy as the pair smokes and drinks while watching the television. It’s unknown why exactly they’re hiding out, but they’ve likely broken some serious rules to have the Big Bad Wolf sent after them. His story appears to have changed from the comic series, as the Tin Man is abandoned in New Jersey alongside the Cowardly Lion. However, the Tin Man still seems loyal to Dorothy and remains at her side during the trailer. He packs quite a punch while fighting Bigby, throwing Fabletown’s Sheriff through a wall and warranting the use of Bigby’s wolf form to battle.

Dorothy Gale Appears In The Wolf Among Us 2’s Trailer

Fans of the Fables comics will recognize Dorothy from her bright red hair and confident demeanor, as she appears fearless when Bigby Wolf enters her motel room. However, in the comics, Dorothy Gale is shown to be murderous, cruel, and callous, excelling at murdering powerful Fables and clever enough to get away with it. If The Wolf Among Us 2 story details follows the comics, it’s likely Dorothy Gale has continued her assassination business and kills Mundies and Fables mercilessly. Far different from the innocent Wizard of Oz story many know today, Dorothy Gale is a villain in the Fables universe and thrives on her bloody occupation. Given the inclusion of the Tin Man and the Scarecrow, Telltale Games will likely change some aspects of her story, but she will nonetheless provide a significant challenge for Bigby Wolf in the coming game.

The Scarecrow Joins Dorothy In The Wolf Among Us 2

Like The Tin Man, Scarecrow is a new character that appears during The Wolf Among Us 2 trailer and whose story has changed drastically from the Fables comics. Unlike the Tin Man and Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow isn’t mentioned in the series and instead appears in the background of several panels during the mass exodus to Earth. Telltale Games’ inclusion of the character presents a unique opportunity to expand on his impact in the bigger story. Unlike the Tin Man, the Scarecrow isn’t a significant threat and is promptly set on fire while attacking Bigby Wolf. Since he appears to be hiding out alongside Dorothy, and given the nature of his gift from the Witch in the classic fairy tales, it’s likely the Scarecrow is the brains of their illegal operations rather than the muscle.

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Snow White Is Mentioned In The Wolf Among Us 2’s Trailer

Another returning character to the point-and-click adventure series that featured a prominent role in The Wolf Among Us is Snow White, who is mentioned in the voiceover that spans the entire trailer. Snow White is (presumably) still the Mayor of Fabletown following Ichabod Crane’s hasty exit and the continued disappearance of King Cole. Snow White is Bigby Wolf’s primary love interest in the comics, and the pair have children together throughout the series. It’s unknown if Telltale games will pursue this romantic relationship or whether Bigby Wolf and Snow White’s relationship with one another is left up to the player’s choices. Snow White appears to be responsible for sending Bigby Wolf after Dorothy, the Tinman, and the Scarecrow, though it’s unknown what crimes these characters are wanted for. Players can expect to work closely with Snow White, given her leadership role in both Fabletown and Bigby Wolf’s Sheriff duties.

The Big Bad Wolf Goes To Therapy In The Wolf Among Us 2

The Wolf Among Us 2 official trailer features a voiceover and several cuts to a therapy group Bigby Wolf attends alongside several other members. It’s unknown if he attends these sessions voluntarily or whether he’s been ordered to attend by Snow White following his transformation while confronting Dorothy. Telltale also hasn’t revealed whether or not the therapist or fellow attendants are residents of Fabletown or Mundies (the game’s term for Earth natives and regular humans). If the game adapts a flashback style, the therapist and fellow attendees could become proper characters that accompany Bigby during his retelling. Given Bigby Wolf’s solitary lifestyle, it’d be nice to see him befriend others.

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While it’s likely fans can expect more information on Telltale Games’ The Wolf Among Us 2 in the coming months, there isn’t much story content or context available in the trailer. A confrontation with Dorothy and her gang seems inevitable, as does Bigby’s ongoing battle against his wolf instincts. Still, the product’s faraway release date suggests Telltale could add tons more content. The Fables comic series contains expansive source material, and many storylines could appear in the coming season. The Wolf Among Us 2 is scheduled for a 2023 release, but Telltale Games hasn’t specified any month or date.

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