In the dark future that is Old Man Logan and its depressing wasteland dystopia run by supervillains, Wolverine had back-to-back moments where he took on the mantles of Captain America and Iron Man, both of whom had fallen years beforehand. While Logan had spent years as a broken man whose hero days were finished, a trip across the country with Hawkeye motivated Logan to become a hero once more, especially after Hawkeye was killed. As a result, Wolverine made his return to this dark Marvel Universe in epic fashion, fighting President Red Skull using heroic relics from the past.

While Hawkeye had always intended to kill Red Skull, Wolverine was simply there to drive the blind archer so he could get paid to pay off his debts to the Hulk Gang. However, that all changed when Hawkeye’s contacts betrayed and killed him. While they also shot up Logan, his healing factor saw him delivered to the inner sanctum of the Skull himself, seeing as how they thought he was dead. Deciding to be a hero once more, Wolverine sprang out of his body bag fought the Red Skull, surrounded by his collection of relics and weapons that once belonged to the heroes of the past who had been slain when the supervillains banded together to take over the world.


As a result, Wolverine #72 (Old Man Logan) from Mark Millar and Steve McNiven saw Logan using Captain America’s shield, blocking strikes from the Red Skull who was wielding the Ebony Blade that once belonged to the Black Knight. However, Wolverine eventually gets the upper hand, proving Red Skull’s belief that he wouldn’t kill him wrong by brutally decapitating the Skull with Steve Rogers’ shield. Furthermore, Logan turns right around and dons an old set of Iron Man armor as the president’s forces arrive, blowing up the Skull’s headquarters before flying home at the issue’s end.

Despite Red Skull wearing Captain America’s mask as a sign of his victory over his greatest foe, Logan proved himself to be a worthy successor of Steve Rogers’ mantle by wielding his shield and ending Red Skull’s evil for good. Additionally, his use of Iron Man’s armor likewise saw Logan honoring Tony Stark’s legacy as well. While Wolverine left the shield behind and abandoned the armor after making it home, his use of both heroes’ iconic tools during his defining battle with the Red Skull is quite impressive all the same.

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While heroes are few and far between in this dark version of the Marvel Universe, Logan’s defeat of Red Skull not only marked his own return as Wolverine but also Captain America and Iron Man (however briefly). In any case, becoming a combo of these two fallen Avengers makes for quite the entertaining return to heroism for Logan, even if Wolverine still had quite a bit of darkness ahead of him with the Hulk Gang before the Old Man Logan storyline fully concluded.

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