A multiverse presents infinite possibilities, including the Marvel world where Wolverine and Hercules the Greek God joined forces to become comics’ most badass lovers. And proved their commitment by fighting their way out of Hell… literally.

When ten evil versions of Charles Xavier are born throughout the multiverse, the X-Treme X-Men comic series is born, uniting a team of X-Men from a variety of realities on a mission to eliminate them, one by one. Among the team’s ranks are Dazzler of Marvel’s main 616 universe, a severed Professor X head, a Black Cyclops from the era of his Earth’s American Civil War, and Howlett, a version of Weapon X described as “Wolverine-meets-Teddy Roosevelt. But still Canadian.”  Together they travel from one alternate reality to the next, executing evil Xaviers before the doppelgangers can pose a threat to all of existence. The team’s journey reunites Howlett and an alternate version of Hercules–who have much more history than their Earth-616 counterparts.

Wolverine, or “Howlett,” and Hercules stake their claim as one of comics’ most formidable couples, when they reveal their love story to the rest of the team. X-treme X-Men #10 catches the team in a moment of calm between outings to kill wayward Xaviers and presents an opportunity for bonding. Partners in bed and on the battlefield, Hercules and Howlett finally revealed their love after slaying a dangerous beast. But the reception of this news was not welcome to many. Aside from outdated views on same-sex relationships, Zeus was furious that another god besides himself was consorting with mortals, and banished the two to Tartarus. In Olympus’ dungeon and prison for the Titans, the lovers spent the next years fighting thousands of demons and damned souls.

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Despite the actions of hypocritical deities, capturing the heart of a demigod has benefits. While Wolverine is known for his adamantium skeleton and claws, Howlett’s bones and claws are lined with adamantine. This golden metal of the gods was given to the Canadian adventurer by Hercules. Howlett’s adamantine-lined skull protects him from psychic attacks and makes him an invaluable member of a team facing powerful telepaths. The love of Hercules and Howlett provides the X-treme X-Men with one of their greatest strategic advantages.

The alternate universe version of Wolverine’s involvement in a same-sex relationship may not be that far from the original. The love triangle between Wolverine, Jean Grey and Cyclops is infamous and Logan and Scott have spent years in competition for Jean’s affections. However, the Dawn of X era has presented new paradigms for the X-Men, one of which are new living arrangements that many fans have interpreted as a polyamorous situation between the three. If Cyclops and Wolverine are indeed involved romantically, they’d still have a way to go to compete with the love story of Howlett and Hercules.

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