Wolverine has done some things during his life he’d surely like to take back. Logan has seen the X-Men on the brink of extinction, has fought against impossible odds, and watched many friends die as he got to continue on. Perhaps, the most tragic event in Wolverine’s life is the time he was tricked into murdering the X-Men.

During Mark Millar and Steve McNiven’s Wolverine run from the late 2000s, a version of Wolverine, Old Man Logan, lives in a supervillain dystopia on Earth-807128. Wolverine isn’t Wolverine anymore, as Logan won’t use his claws after an incident that left him emotionally damaged. In Wolverine #70, it’s revealed Logan was tricked into murdering his closest friends and family – the X-Men.


In a flashback, the X-Mansion is attacked by a large group of supervillains including Shocker, the Silver Samurai, and Doctor Octopus. The X-Men become surrounded as more villains break-in. Wolverine starts taking down the villains, stabbing them through the heart, cutting off their heads, and ripping them to shreds. As he’s finishing off Bullseye, the villain tells him “You’re supposed to be our friend.” It’s not Bullseye Wolverine killed, but Jubilee. And it’s not supervillains he mowed down, but the entire X-Men. Sadly, Wolverine has a history of killing the people he cares about most in the most violent ways possible.

In present day, Logan tells Clint Barton that Mysterio used illusions and trickery to make it appear the X-Men were actually villains. Wolverine says Mysterio made them feel and smell different. Clearly, it was one of Mysterio’s more impressive tricks, since Wolverine couldn’t even differentiate who was who. The incident clearly messed with Logan’s psyche. Along with eventually dropping the Wolverine persona, he left the fight and walked for days, possibly weeks with the taste of blood in his mouth. Suicidal and wanting to pay for his actions, Wolverine waited by train tracks and stuck his head on the rails. While Wolverine’s healing factor means he’s practically impossible to kill – especially by a train, Wolverine wanted to feel pain for what he did.

The X-Men accepted Wolverine as their own and allowed him to experience a lot of personal growth while developing a family of friends and loved ones. It’s hard to fathom how he could have felt after being tricked into killing those closest to him. Clearly, the incident messed with his head, so much so, he stopped being Wolverine.

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Honestly, it’s hard to blame him. Logan’s biggest nightmare became a reality. After that, being Wolverine couldn’t have held the same meaning or importance without his allies by his side.

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