One of DC Comics’ newest heroines is already seeing part of her story come to an end. Yara Flor has been a standout since her debut in DC’s Future State event. However, Wonder Girlthe solo series she has been starring in, has come to a premature end. DC sent the news to retailers and it has since been confirmed by one of Yara’s creators.

Yara Flor debuted in 2021 and was one of the year’s stand-out characters. In Future State, she was seen wearing the mantle of Wonder Woman within the Justice League, alongside Superman Jon Kent and Green Lantern Jo Mullein, amongst other heroes. This was a mantle that she was seemingly sharing with Nubia – the current queen of the Amazons. Yara’s origins and connections to Themyscira were being revealed within her solo title, Wonder Girl.


Wednesday evening, retailers received e-mails from DC revealing that Wonder Girl will be ending with Wonder Girl #7. An eighth issue was initially solicited for February, but has been cancelled. On Twitter, co-creator Joëlle Jones confirmed that the series is not extending past eight issues – though it does appear to be ending an additional issue shorter than expected. However, this will not be the last fans see of Yara.

DC and Jones have confirmed that Yara will be back in the upcoming Trial of the Amazons event. She will be starring in her own tie-in issues, Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl #1 (March 22and Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl #2 (April 19). Ironically, despite being the star of the Wonder Girl series, Yara has yet to actually take up the official codename. The series has focused predominantly on Yara’s return to Brazil, her struggles with Hera on Mount Olympus, and conflicts arising between the various Amazon factions. She has been targeted by the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall, Themyscira, and is being sought by the Esquecida – the Amazon tribe in Brazil. Donna Troy and Cassie Sandsmark, both of whom have worn the Wonder Girl mantle in the past, have made appearances within this series, though they have not yet passed the mantle onto DC’s newest Amazon.

Wonder Woman’s Wonder Family has seen a rise in popularity and they are starring in a few current titles, including Wonder Woman and Nubia and the Amazons. Hippolyta has been starring in Justice League and Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons, while Diana is also in Wonder Woman: Evolution. Big challenges are coming for DC’s Amazons in the near future, so hopefully Yara will be finding a new home somewhere amongst them where her story can continue. After all, she has been included as a major player in DC Comics‘ future. It would be a shame if she were to be suddenly dropped from that eventual role, though fans will have to wait some time to find out what’s next for the heroine. The last issue of Yara Flor’s independent story, Wonder Girl #7is slated for release on January 25.

Source: Twitter/Ryan Higgins, Joëlle Jones

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