With the Wonder Twins being announced to get their movie directed by Adam Sztykiel, these are factors that can play a role in the movie’s success. This Sibling duo has a long history that is both remembered and forgotten about at the same time.

With a movie in the works, these are some things that can be done to help the movie make these characters memorable. By exploring them more and by making some minor changes, the movie could be a success with the revitalized characters.


Make Them Rely On Each Other

Zan and Jayne are siblings from the planet Exxor and have the power to shapeshift but only when touching each other. Relying on each other to use their powers allows more opportunities for the story to show their sibling bond. Their biggest strength is also their biggest weakness as they are forced to work as a team. This could allow the audience to feel for the characters when they are separated from each other in battle.


If they are twins that get along all the time or are opposites shouldn’t matter. The only important thing is that they learn to come together as a team. If the actors have great chemistry with each other and share multiple scenes, it will show the strong connections between the twins. Scenes that separate from each other should be done to show that they are weaker when they are alone.

Make Zan’s Power Equal To Jayne

As Jayne has the power to shapeshift into all animals, her brother Zan has the power to shapeshift into any form of water. Turning into any animal sounds like the cooler and more useful power out of the two. Although it could be useful by tripping criminals, it’s not a power that can be used the entire movie. Turning into a lake and a bucket of water is limited when it comes to battle.

For the movie to work, Zan’s powers must match and work alongside Jayne’s powers. He needs to make up for all the things that she is unable to do. Giving Zan more powers can do more for the duo. Allowing to shapeshift into all elements could establish an equal level of strength between the two.

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Explore Their Origin Of Where They Come From

Aliens from the plant Exxor; Zan and Jayn were given to a space circus when their parents passed. They are the only ones to receive powers as the rest of their ancient species fell victim to what gave them these powers. The story makes them underdogs as they are the last of their kind and are forced into a circus.

Focusing on them being the last of their kind adds more depth to them. It needs to be explored how their uprising shapes them as heroes. What was their life like on the planet and in the circus? With a past like theirs, what is their goal for the future?

Use Them As “Sidekicks”

The Wonder Twins are often portrayed as young heroes or sidekicks. Making them young heroes will show that not only are they new to this but that they still must grow. This will show them as underdogs fighting to become better heroes. They are already seen as underdogs as they are lesser-known characters getting their movie.

Having them as sidekicks wouldn’t just show their inexperience but would add a third party to influence their relationship. Trust should be a huge focus in the movie as the siblings would need to trust each other to work as a team. Having a master for them can affect that trust as it could potentially cause Zan and Jayne to compete against each other. If given a master, it could play with the direction of the story and the dynamic of the twins.

Put Them In The DCEU

There is little that is yet to be confirmed about the Wonder Twins movie. As of now, it is assumed to be placed within the DCEU, but there is another movie universe that the Wonder Twins have a deep connection to that it could be a part of. The 2020 movie Scoob! started a universe composed of Hanna Barbera characters. The Wonder Twins could be connected to that universe if the creators decide to go a lighthearted animated route. But placing them in the DCEU can signify a change in the cinematic universe.


Take Them Too Serious

For years, the Wonder Twins have been a complete joke to the comic community. Fans never believed that they would get a movie, whether it was the constant knuckle bumping, blue monkey, or the fact that one of them turns into a bucket of water. They were looked at as being Hanna-Barbera characters instead of real superheroes. The two were never able to escape the shadow of the super-friends animated series.

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Because of their long-mocked history, it is almost impossible to make them serious characters. They can’t and shouldn’t be taken as heroes on the level of Superman and Batman. This isn’t to say that they should be comic relief the whole movie as they should still be treated like heroes. Allow the Wonder Twins to laugh at themselves and still show why they aren’t a complete joke when the time to be a hero is needed.

Rely On Mainstream Heroes

With big characters such as Superman and Wonder Woman already established, it wouldn’t be surprising if the company tries to rely on the big-name heroes to make this a success. The DCEU is constantly growing as many famous actors are set to make their first appearance in 2022.  With Wonder Twins director being the co-writer for the Black Adam movie, there is potential for Black Adam or a character from his movie to make an appearance. This may not be a bad call if done right.

It is okay to have a previously existing character in the movie if the said character isn’t the sole focus of the movie. Keep the spotlight focused on the Wonder Twins. Allow the Wonder Twins to have their chance to shine. Relying on a previously existing hero would take away any credibility that they make within the movie.

Use Gleek Yet

The tone and villain of the story can be a deciding factor if they want to bring in their animal sidekick Gleek. The blue monkey has the power to make buckets magically appear supposedly. This is a character that is better left for the sequel. It could be distracting to have a blue monkey on the screen with the sole purpose of being an easter egg for loyal friends.

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It is important to set up the Wonder Twins before any other character in the movie. They need to learn to find their footing as heroes before they can take on any sidekicks. Gleek could be used for the sequel as this movie should be used to build the legacy of the Wonder Twins.

Have A Generic Villain

A bland villain can be a down point for any movie. A great villain is charismatic enough to deserve their own movie. Gone are the days when every one-note villain’s goal is to take over the world. The Wonder Twins need to be recognized as heroes after this movie and a strong villain is a sure way to do that.

Give the villain a purpose than to just be that antagonist. It doesn’t need to be a Joker-level villain, just one that can hold up the story. Give this character understandable motives that the audience could empathize with. Make a believable threat that can have a chance of defeating the protagonists.

Let Them Be Background Players

This is their chance to make a name for themselves as heroes. They shouldn’t be put in a universe if there is no significance to their appearance. Giving them their movie just to place them as background characters in future appearance seems disrespectful not only to the writers’ hard work but also to the legacy of the Wonder Twins. Give the movie a greater purpose for being made than just adding more characters to the big screen.

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