The DCEU continues this summer with their first female-fronted solo project, Wonder Woman. The film is going to be one of the more straightforward movies in the extended universe, telling the story of Diana Prince and how she left Themyscira and came to our world. There have already been multiple trailers and images revealed for the upcoming film, focusing on Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, and her love interest Steve Trevor (Chris Pine). These have shown Themyscira and the Amazons as well as Wonder Woman in our world, with a focus on her weapons and powers.

There are sure to be many more promos and images released before the film hits theaters in June, as well as some more teasers of Wonder Woman in Justice League, but that’s not all. Concept art for Justice League has already surfaced, showing Wonder Woman and an Amazon alongside the rest of the DC team. Now, some more concept art has come to light, showing some new scenes that may well make it into the film in some shape or form.


The concept art has been posted to Twitter by Thomas Storai, a fan blogger. Four new images are included, all showing Wonder Woman in various scenes. The first features Wonder Woman walking through fire in a black cloak with her shield at her side, while the second shows her in the same outfit in period London, with Steve Trevor at her side and the streets filled with men in suits and hats. The third image features Wonder Woman gazing at a large gold spiral which houses the sword she uses, and the fourth shows her at the prow of a ship.

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Concept arts of the upcoming #WonderWoman movie #DCEU

— Thomas Storaï (@ThomasStorai) March 31, 2017

Storai does not clarify where the images are from, but we can assume that they are part of the superhero exhibit currently on display at Art Ludique Le Musée in France. This is the same exhibition where other concept art for the film has been displayed, and Storai himself is also based in France.

The concept art looks very similar to the scenes from the film that we have already seen, including Wonder Woman in her black cloak (over her classic costume). The image of her walking through fire looks a lot like a battlefield, and it will be interesting to see whether this is a shot that makes it onto the big screen, especially as most of the scenes of Wonder Woman in battle so far have not included the cloak. Other images are very likely to appear in the film in some shape or form, although there is never any guarantee that concept art will translate into the film itself. The boat, in particular, may not appear, as it has not been featured in any promos so far – however, this may be how Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor return to the world, instead of the Invisible Plane that is used in the comics.

Next: Wonder Woman Movie’s Ares Revealed in LEGO Form

Source: Twitter

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