The name ‘Valkyrie’, at least in modern times, is most commonly associated with Marvel Comics. In the Marvel Universe, Valkyrie (otherwise known as Brunnhilde), is an Asgardian superheroine renowned for her fearsome combat abilities and for flying a winged horse known as Aragorn. However, it’d be a mistake to assume that the Valkyrie are exclusive to the Marvel Universe. As #6 of Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace has proven – Valkyries exist alongside Amazons in the DC Universe.

The issue starts off with Wonder Woman in Eastern Europe, with Diana investigating reports that the fictional country of Voksland had been aggressive to the smaller, yet still fictional nation of Doroslavia. Diana learns that a mysterious woman has been protecting the people of Doroslavia from the invading army and, after investigating at a nearby bar, finds that a Valkyrie has been helping. Naturally, with this being the first meeting between super-powered heroes, a fight breaks out between the two characters after Wonder Woman dares to question Valkyrie’s actions.


The fight appears to be a relatively even matchup, with both Valkyrie and Wonder Woman landing impressive blows on each other. While it is unclear whether or not Valkyrie is as strong or durable as Wonder Woman, she certainly has enough super strength to hold her own against the Princess of the Amazons. Although the fight between the two is certainly compelling, the most interesting aspect of this fight comes from the reveal of some important information about Valkyrie. The Norse warrior explains why she is helping the Doroslavians fight against the Vokslanders, eventually explaining to Wonder Woman that she understands the pain of being invaded by tyrants.

A flashback panel reveals that the DC version of the Valkyries also have their own steeds, but they’re far less impressive than the winged versions used in the Marvel Universe (though judging by the heights those horses find themselves, they must have some impressive jumping abilities).

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Wonder Woman, after some clever use of her Lasso of Truth, begins to bond on an emotional level with Valkyrie. This brings out a softer side to the Norse warrior and a level of understanding between the two powerful characters. The two women see similarities between their respective cultures, with Diana pointing out that she also comes from a race of warrior women.

After this initial bonding process is over, the two characters then join forces to fight against the invading army of Voksland. While the invading army is well-armed, with tanks and ‘fusion canons’, it’s a wonder that they even tried to fight against Wonder Woman and Valkyrie. As expected, the team of Wonder Woman and Valkyrie make short work of the Voksland military, with the two destroying a couple of tanks in the process. After the short flight, the Princess of the Amazons threatens the leader of this particular troop and the army leaves Doroslavia and returns to Voksland.

This is a good story, not only because it shows some compelling fight scenes between Wonder Woman and her Norse equal, but also because it shows that Diana is a hero who doesn’t have to win fights solely on her strength. Although, when it comes to stopping an invading army, Wonder Woman is more than willing to team up with a Norse warrior of legend and smash a few tanks up in order to protect the peace and prevent an invasion.

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