Warning: Spoilers for Justice League: Last Ride #5!

In their DCEU debut, the Justice League are forced to band together and use their combined might to defeat Darkseid’s herald, Steppenwolf, but in the current DC Comics series titled Justice League: Last RideWonder Woman just one shot killed Steppenwolf’s comic counterpart all by her lonesome and with relative ease. If only it were this simple in the movie!

Killed at the end of Justice League: Last Ride #5, by Chip Zdarsky and Miguel Mendonca, this issue draws attention to just how much the DCEU had to build up Steppenwolf to make him a viable threat in the movie, especially considering his hilariously quick comic death seen here. Waging war on the battlefield of Darkseid’s now shut down fortress world of Apokolips, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, and an army of Amazons are doing their best to beat back Steppenwolf and his minions before they are overrun entirely.


Cutting a wide swath of death and destruction across the Amazon forces opposing him, Steppenwolf is immediately shown to have the potential of being the formidable villain the Justice League movie made him out to be. Flying high on his berserker rage, Steppenwolf slashes Amazon after Amazon, crying out that “Apokolips is the death of hope,” as he does. But mere seconds later, a sword explodes from his chest, cutting his life short at the hands of the one and only Wonder Woman.

Accompanied by Batman and Superman as she swoops into the fray, Wonder Woman effectively takes out a villain that the entire team had a hard time dealing with during their joint movie adventure. Not only taking advantage of his lack of awareness on the battlefield, Wonder Woman stabbing the guy from behind is a move that’s so foolproof that even Steppenwolf looks surprised at his untimely demise.

Still unclear whether this series takes place in some kind of future continuity or if it’s a self-contained story, the fact that Steppenwolf is so easily dispatched with one blow speaks volumes for not only Wonder Woman’s effectiveness as a warrior but how much of a pushover Steppenwolf is in comics. Needing to build up his movie self in ways that portray him as a formidable adversary, giving him a sweet redesign for the Snyder Cut version of the film was a perfect choice to help raise his bad guy status as a villain that should be taken seriously, unlike his comic book counterpart.

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So, by being quickly and efficiently killed off in this issue, Steppenwolf becomes the laughing stock of Apokolips and a villain that seems more of an afterthought to the heroes of DC Comics more than anything else. And although the movie version of this Justice League baddie needed a boost where his villainous ways are concerned, Wonder Woman knows what she’s dealing with when it comes to Steppenwolf in comics, and acted accordingly.

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