In the DCEU film, Wonder WomanThemyscira is depicted as an island that exists far from the influence of man’s world. Contrarily, in the original comics, this was not the case. Themyscira had a lot of influence from the world of man resulting in Amazons that were far more up to date than fans may believe.

Themyscira first appeared at the same time as Wonder Woman – in All-Star Comics #8 in 1941. The island is often depicted in a way that appears very classical in its approach. The weapons are not automatic, the buildings are not modern, and the fashion is to mythological standards – fitting the heritage of the Amazons. This view of the Amazon homeland carried over into Wonder Woman’s eventual film, explaining why the warriors were so easily killed on the beach when soldiers from the mortal world-first arrive. In the comics, however, this wouldn’t have been nearly so easy.


The early comics starring Wonder Woman, such as Sensation Comics #1 and #2, showed a very different – even technologically advanced – Themyscira. To earn her right to accompany Steve Trevor to his world, Diana has to compete in a game of “Bullets and Bracelets.” Fans will note that this game is not called “Arrows and Bracelets”, “Spears and Bracelets”, or “Swords and Shields.” The Amazons actually possessed futuristic – at the time of publication – guns. These are similar to the stereotypical ray gun designs present in science fiction media of the era. Guns are familiar to the Amazons, unlike what the movie portrayed, and the Amazons used a game to learn and practice deflecting bullets with their bracelets.

Additionally, Diana is actually familiar with the fashions of the time when she leaves Themyscira. Sensation Comics #2 even reveals that she is familiar with American football! This is a far cry from the highly confused and comedic moments that arise from Diana misunderstanding the mortal world in the film and later comics it likely took inspiration from. Wonder Woman’s earliest appearances had her well-informed of “modern” trends, giving her the ability to largely blend in within society. All of this was because of Hippolyta’s use of the Magic Sphere. This item allowed the Amazons to know modern languages, science, trends, and even to have advanced technology – beyond what man had invented. Not only can the Magic Sphere show the past, but it can also help foretell the future. The Sphere is a gift from Athena and while it is still present in some of the comics, it is completely absent from the film. It’s rather easy to see the reasoning behind why Themyscira is so different.

Collectively, these changes reveal that the Themyscira modern fans know about – the Themyscira of the DCEU – is one that is rooted in Classical era simplicity. This allows for further dramatic encounters with man, more comedic moments created through misunderstanding, and it prevents the Amazons from being overpowering in the DCEU. By limiting the Amazons’ weapons and knowledge, there is more room to develop compelling conflict. Diana’s story does not begin with loss in the comics, but she is forced to confront it early on in the movie. This would not have been possible if the movie had presented a Themyscira reflective of its first appearance in comics – because Wonder Woman’s Themyscira in the comics is a technological utopia in many ways.

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