Workin’ Moms shows that motherhood can be as brutal as it is wonderful. Between the cuddles and adorable sleeping babies are worries about working too much and marriage woes. It’s a dark comedy that really tells the truth about women who want to raise kids as much as they want to find professional and personal success. Kate (Catherine Reitman), Anne (Dani Kind), Frankie (Juno Rinaldi), and Jenny (Jessalyn Wanlim) are all finding their way and trying to adjust.

But in its four seasons so far, Workin’ Moms has hit some wrong notes. Read on to find out the 10 most unnecessary storylines on Workin’ Moms.

10 Frankie Goes Away To A Center And Considers Working There

This CBC show didn’t shy away from Frankie’s postpartum depression in season one and that is something to praise. But when Frankie goes away to a treatment center to get some help, the show takes a turn that is pretty confusing.

Frankie does so well that she considers working there after she’s offered a job. But why would she do that? That would mean taking her out of the main setting of the show since everyone hangs out in Toronto and at the mom and baby group.

9 Nathan Cheats On Kate

It was incredibly tough for Workin’ Moms fans to learn in the season two finale “Look Back” that Kate’s husband Nathan (Philip Stenberg) has been cheating on her with Mean Nanny (Jess Salgueiro). It was clear that they had trouble in their marriage before that, but this seemed like such an unnecessary storyline because it’s so cliche.

This felt like yet another TV show that had a husband cheat on their wife with the nanny/someone who is much younger. Couldn’t the show come up with something more original?


8 Anne’s Ex-Husband Insults A Very Intimate Part Of Her Life

It’s one thing for Anne to get an office on the same floor as her ex-husband Brad (Christopher Redman). It’s another for him to hypnotize her in his office and then insult a very intimate part of her life.

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There’s zero reasons for Brad to comment on the way that Anne behaves when she’s sleeping with someone. This was an unnecessary storyline because it was so creepy and it didn’t really go anywhere after this. Anne just got mad at her ex-husband all over again when fans already knew that she hated him.

7 Val Gets Upset The Women Won’t Hang Out With Her At A Retreat

The women on Workin’ Moms don’t love Val (Sarah McVie) as she’s way too desperate for them to like her. So it’s unnecessary for them to go on a retreat (in the season two episode called, of course, “Retreat”) and for her to get upset that they don’t want to hang out in her hotel room and drink all night.

It was painful to watch because fans of the show have seen Val in this kind of situation a lot.

6 Jenny Gets A Piercing That Gets Infected

In the first season, Jenny is really having a tough time being a mom, and she decides to go out, get super drunk, and also get a piercing in a very intimate area. It gets infected, which makes this storyline even more awkward to watch.

It’s clear that Jenny and Ian won’t work out and that Jenny isn’t mature enough to be a mother, so this storyline doesn’t seem necessary. It would have been better if they had a blow-out fight or Ian confronted her about how she was messing up.

5 Kate’s Mom Babysits But Gets Mad About Her Dog

It’s pretty weird that in the season one episode “Bad Help,” Kate’s mother starts babysitting her son Charlie, but she makes a big deal about how much she hates the dog.

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This is so mean and really doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t even feel like a real storyline. Instead, Kate’s mom could have questioned whether work/life balance is possible or something more closely related to the theme of the show.

4 A Creepy College Student Becomes Obsessed With Anne

In the second season, Anne meets a college student when she gives a talk, and the young woman becomes completely obsessed with her. She wants to learn everything that she can about Anne, tries to Facebook friend everyone who she knows, and even books a therapy session so she can spend time with her.

This storyline gets especially creepy when they meet for lunch and the student has dyed and cut her hair to look just like Anne’s. This seems so unnecessary because it doesn’t seem like it goes anywhere, and Anne is so hilarious that she could have had so many funny storylines enough.

3 Ian Gets A STD

It’s sweet to watch Jenny’s baby daddy Ian (Dennis Andres) start dating again and try to shop his screenplay around. But it’s not so sweet when he gets an STD from sleeping with a new woman.

He handles it in such a silly way by oversharing to the pharmacist when he’s picking up meds. This storyline makes Ian seem even more immature when he should be upping his game as a dad to his baby girl.

2 There’s Lice At Camp

In the season four episode “Lice,” there’s lice at camp, and this is another storyline that could have been omitted from the show.

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There’s nothing all that funny about lice because by now, a lice outbreak has been in enough films and TV shows that there’s no fresh take on it. It doesn’t seem like enough and yet a whole episode was built on it.

1 Frankie’s Confusing Relationship In Season 2

In the second season, Frankie is moving on from her marriage and starting to date again, but Dorothy (Angela Asher) isn’t the right person for her.

Frankie moves in with her way too early, which makes no sense, and also runs all of Dorothy’s errands. Then there are the creepy scenes when Dorothy straightens Frankie’s hair so she resembles a poodle. It’s all very odd and doesn’t feel like the show.

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