A hilariously gross X-Men fan-fiction character is about to make her official debut in the Marvel Universe – make way for Soft Serve. There was a time when Marvel Comics believed it was possible to have too many mutants. That was the reason editorial insisted Scarlet Witch depower all but 200 of them; that was seen as a way of reducing the number down to a manageable count.

That time is clearly long past. Under superstar comic book writer Jonathan Hickman, the X-Men have founded the mutant nation of Krakoa. They are welcoming every single mutant in the world to make their home on the living island. And – significantly – they’ve also cracked the secret of conquering death. A synergy of mutant powers and Cerebro technology is allowing the X-Men to resurrect every mutant ever killed, including the millions slaughtered by Sentinels on Genosha. They’ve even set up a (gladiatorial) mechanism for restoring all the mutants depowered by the Scarlet Witch. And, finally, the recent X of Swords event brought a new mutant island to Earth, Arakko, apparently populated by 20 times as many mutants.


Stunning artist Bob Q! is working on some of the X-books, and on Twitter, he’s revealed he is taking the opportunity to add some fan-fiction characters to the canon. Specifically, the most surreal mutant to date – Soft Serve, whose power is to poop ice cream.

Soft Serve’s powers raise so many entertaining questions. How does her digestive system work? How did she discover her powers, and who first tasted her poop to figure out it was ice cream (perhaps a little brother she played a practical joke on)? Does she feel cold after she’s gone to the toilet, and what happens if she gets a tummy bug? If she can poop multiple flavors of ice cream, how does she control that? And is there another mutant on Krakoa who can create sugar sprinkles so Soft Serve can be part of the ultimate team-up?

The truth is the X-Men books have often taken mutation far too seriously. The vast majority of mutants have powers that lend themselves perfectly for combat – think healing factors, optic blasts, and superhuman strength. But mutation is supposed to be random, which surely means the vast majority of powers will indeed be absurd and whimsical, relatively useless in battle, and instead hilariously gross. In the case of Soft Serve, it’s worth noting Bob Q! imagines her saying she poops ice cream “better than anyone,” which frankly suggests this power occurs often enough for her to have rivals. It’s frankly quite hilarious to imagine Soft Serve going up against them in a contest to prove she’s the best there is at what she does – and pity the poor X-Men who are asked to adjudicate the competition.

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