Judgment Day is coming and no one is safe as the Eternals invade the X-Men’s new mutant nation, forcing the Avengers to pick a side in the next big crossover event from Marvel Comics. A.X.E. Judgment Day has been building in the Marvel Universe for months, as the X-Men slowly become immortal god-like beings and the Eternals stumble upon a colossal, celestial secret, one that will change the bedrock of Marvel for years to come.

While a massive retcon has been teased by Marvel since the news about Judgment Day first broke, this announcement is the first time that they have officially confirmed that the Eternals now have evidence that the mutants are not the next stage in human evolution, but are instead descended from the Deviants. The Eternals sworn mission, and reason for being created, is to wipe out all Deviants on Earth, which means the Eternals now have Krakoa dead in their sights and are preparing for war. Meanwhile the Avengers, Earth’s Mightiest Warriors, have long history with both the X-Men and the Eternals, and are the global peacekeepers of the planet, meaning there is no way they will be able to stay out of this conflict.


A.X.E. Eve of Judgment is a one-shot by Kieron Gillen and Pasqual Ferry that will lead directly into the 6-part A.X.E. Judgment Day event – written by Kieron Gillen (DieImmortal X-Men) with art by Valerio Schiti (Inferno, Trial of Magneto) – and set up the major conflict between the long-time immortal Eternals and the recently immortal X-Men. Marvel is promising that the battle between the two factions, with the Avengers in the middle, will “leave a profound emotional impact on the Marvel mythology” and change the trajectory of the mutants’ and Eternals’ future. In a recent announcement about the upcoming Hellfire Gala hosted on Krakoa by the X-Men, it has been revealed that an unexpected guest at the event will lead directly into Judgment Day, begging the question of whether the Eternals invasion of Krakoa will happen on the eve of their biggest annual event.

Kieron Gillen, the writer and architect behind this massive, canon-altering event had this to say:

“There’s a classic metaphor to describe the Marvel Universe – a toybox, which creators take toys out of, play with and put back. I get it, but it’s never quite how I’ve seen it – I think ‘play’ in another way. I think of a music shop, with all these instruments with their different qualities suggesting different songs, different stories,” Gillen explained. “For all the Marvel instruments I’ve played, I’ve never written an event.”

“Writing an event is something different. It’s not like playing an instrument. It’s having all the instruments in the Marvel music shop. That’s not like writing a song. That’s like writing a symphony. I looked at everything in Eternals and Immortal X-Men and everything else all the X and Avengers writers have done and thought… yeah, this is an event. In fact, an event is the only way to do justice to this.”

Gillen’s statement makes it clear that they worked really hard with all the major Marvel writers teams to synthesize each of the different franchises’ overarching plots over the past two years and form them into a cohesive event. The Eternals are trying to take down Thanos, recently crowned as King of the Eternals, and it sounds like in their quest for information on how to take them down they discover the big secret about mutants, that they are in fact Deviants. Marvel’s announcement seems to suggest that a mutant’s X-Gene activating, which leads to the manifestation of their power, is the same as an average Deviant going through “excess deviation.” This change is biologically wired into Eternals, making them mindless killing machines that slaughter any Deviant who goes through “the change,” and now that the Eternals know mutants are Deviants, they may not be able to stop their attack on Krakoa and the mutants.

Even though the mutants are now technically immortal, if the Eternals take out “The Five” or destroy the Cerebro data reserves, they could effectively end mutant immortality, and destroy the utopia the the mutants have built on their island of Krakoa. The Avengers have had mutants on their team like Storm and Rogue, and have also had Eternals on their team like Sersi, making their position and loyalties tricky, although it would be surprising if the Avengers took the Eternals’ side and just let them wipe out all of the mutants. Regardless, make sure to pick up A.X.E. Eve of Judgment on June 29 to see the escalation between the X-Men, the Eternals, and the Avengers before Marvel Comics big Judgment Day event debuts in July.

Source: Marvel

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