UPDATE: We have new images of Professor X and Magneto in action!

One of the four major superhero comic book movies debuting this summer, and the only one yet to reveal any official footage or images, is that of X-Men: First Class. The Twentieth Century Fox X-Men prequel, directed by Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass) and produced by Bryan Singer (X-Men), takes us back in time to the 1960s to tell the tale of the origins of the X-Men.

Focusing in on the history of Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, X-Men: First Class also features  a cast of relatively unknown mutant characters, few of which have shown up in previous X-Men films. Until today, we’ve yet to see what these characters will look like on screen and in costume. Here is your official first look at the mutant cast of X-Men: First Class.


So far, we’ve been living off of  set photos, but the X-Men: First Class cast image first leaked on MSN for a brief moment yesterday but was quickly taken down while it spread like wildfire across the blogosphere. We waited until Fox released the official images so you can see them in proper form. Meet the X-Men and enjoy your first look at the team, in and out of costume, as well as Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw.

Update: Courtesy of a /Film exclusive with Matthew Vaughn, we now have images of Professor X and Magneto in action as well!

In the main cast shot, note the two mutant masterminds who eventually part ways on their plans for mutantkind, becoming Professor X and Magneto, respectively. Here are the characters and their aliases, from left to right:

  • Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto (Michael Fassbender)
  • Moira MacTaggert (Rose Byrne)
  • Emma Frost (January Jones)
  • Azazel (Jason Flemyng)
  • Hank McCoy/Beast (Nicholas Hoult)
  • Alex Summers/Havok (Lucas Till)
  • Angel Salvadore (Zoe Kravitz)
  • Raven Darkholme/Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence)
  • Charles Xavier/Professor X (James McAvoy)
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While I cannot say that the first official X-Men: First Class cast images are impressive or inspiring (although fans will sure dig Emma Frost’s authentic outfits from the comics), it does show that they aren’t shying away from the use of colors and costumes, paying a little more tribute to the X-Men books, at least in style if not story.

They did a great job with Azazel and I look forward to seeing Flemying play him in action. Havok has the circular symbol on his chest, similar to some of the comic designs, and Mystique’s design is consistent with the X-trilogy. Many fans are undoubtedly curious how Hank McCoy’s blue fur will be explained as he appeared in a cameo without the fur in X-Men 2. Chances are they’re pretending that didn’t even happen.

The images do not however, give us a look at Edi Gathegi’s character, the ever-evolving mutant known as Darwin, which brings into question his role in the film and as part of the ’60s era X-Men team. My guess is that he’s from the future since in the books, he’s one of the newest characters and Matthew Vaughn previously alluded to First Class acting both as an in-continuity prequel and a quasi-reboot of sorts, referencing what J.J. Abrams did with Star Trek.

[Update: While Harry Knowles of Ain’t It Cool News undergoes his miraculous recovery, he had chat with Bryan Singer who gave him the following first X-Men: First Class teaser poster- Get well soon Harry! Head to AICN for their high-res version.]

Fans, before bringing down any potential wrath upon these images, let’s wait to see what the characters look like in live-action when the X-Men: First Class trailer releases. They certainly have stiff competition up against Marvel Studios’ Thor and Captain America features as well as Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment’s Green Lantern.

As an X-Men fan myself, please share your thoughts with me on Twitter @rob_keyes and make sure to follow @screenrant for all of your movie/TV needs.

X-Men: First Class opens in theaters June 3, 2011.

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Source: Fox, LA Times

Update Source: /Film

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