The X-Men have plenty of powerful members in their numerous teams, but few mightier than Jean Grey, the frequent host to Marvel’s cosmic Phoenix Force. But Jean has her own powers even outside this, and it turns out she doesn’t even need the Phoenix Force to take on Galactus. The X-Men’s Jean Grey is an Omega-level mutant, which House of X #1 describes as “A mutant whose dominant power is deemed to register — or reach — an undefinable upper limit of that power’s specific classification.” However, Hickman goes on to note that, “While Jean Grey is both a telepath and a telekinetic, she is only an Omega level telepath.


It’s a statement which raised eyebrows among many Marvel fans, who were somewhat taken aback at seeing Jean’s telekinetic feats dismissed so readily. After all, without the power of the Phoenix Forcem Jean was able to telekinetically repel Black Bolt’s killing strike. Given Black Bolt’s voice has the power to level mountains, this is something of a remarkable demonstration of power, suggesting Hickman is seriously underestimating Jean.

Another incredible achievement is seen in 2017’s Generations: Phoenix & Jean Grey one-shot, in which the teenage Jean Grey allied with her older self at the time she possessed the power of the Phoenix. Phoenix whisked the two away to a distant planet, one threatened by Galactus. Galactus and the Phoenix have no doubt fought many times before, but surprisingly it was the addition of the young Jean Grey that forced Galactus to retreat. She was able to knock the Devourer of Worlds off his feet with one phenomenal telekinetic blow.

The time-lost Jean Grey unlocked an aspect of her powers that had never been seen before. She learned how to absorb the psychic energy around her and unleash it in a devastating telekinetic attack. It was a fascinating synergy between telepathy and telekinesis, of the type only hinted at in previous X-Men comics. This ability was so formidable that she was once able to knock Gladiator off his feet, but on this occasion she went even further, striking down Galactus himself. While it is true this power was amplified by everything around her – including the Phoenix Force itself – the blow was struck by Jean Grey, not the Phoenix.

It’s just about possible Hickman intends to imply that Jean is not yet fully in control of her telekinesis, but even then, his tenure as Head of X has sorely underestimated Jean Grey (along with many other female characters). If readers cast their minds back to her prior feats, she is quite clearly not just an Omega-level mutant in telepathy, but also in telekinesis. What is more, Jean has the potential to integrate these two powers in a single devastating attack, one that even influenced Galactus. Jean Grey is unarguably powerful enough that her telekinesis is in no way her lesser ability. Hopefully, as the X-Men continue their new adventures, future stories can reflect this.

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