Warning! Spoilers to New Mutants #15 below!

While the X-Men are known for having a diverse and eclectic variety of mutants amongst their community, it would appear there’s not much they can say about Doop, a floating green creature that has been an ally, teammate, and protector of mutant superheroes for over two decades now. Although he speaks in a language that many can’t understand, Doop’s status as a true mutant hasn’t been questioned until the sovereign nation of Krakoa established clear guidelines about whom would be able to visit much less live on the island that has united mutant-kind. While others have been excluded, it would appear that his appearance in the background of the latest New Mutants issue suggests that he is indeed a mutant.


Created by Peter Milligan and Mike Allred, Doop was the cameraman for the former X-Force, then known as X-Statix, where he recorded everything while not being afraid to get his hands dirty if the situation called for it. During a crossover with the Avengers, X-Statix learned that Doop was the result of a United States experiment during the Cold War as both teams raced and fought to collect pieces of Doop’s brain that had been scattered throughout the world. Having a past relationship with Wolverine, Doop was thought to have died with the members of X-Statix but later reappeared in space, returning to Earth to supposedly join the X-Men on their island Utopia. When the Schism between Wolverine and Cyclops separated the X-Men, Doop sided with Logan, working as the Jean Grey School’s receptionist when he wasn’t taking out threats to the School that Wolverine couldn’t attend to.

When the divided mutants put aside their differences and changed everything by establishing Krakoa as a safe haven for mutants, Doop reappeared fighting alongside the X-Men during the ‘X of Swords’ crossover. In New Mutants #15 by Vita Ayala and Rod Reis, the New Mutants celebrate Cypher’s marriage to Bei the Blood Moon. While the New Mutant members deal with their own personal problems as well as the unseen monitoring by their old enemy The Shadow King, the unmistakable green blob with the X symbol can be seen floating in the background of their party.

The real question here is the still-evolving idea of what constitutes a mutant and how that relates to Krakoa. Select non-mutants have been allowed to visit the island, but residency is strictly for mutants, something made further difficult thanks to the Krakoan Gates only teleporting mutants. The X-Men has been very vocal and adamant regarding visiting rights, easily disqualifying anyone who doesn’t meet a very specific definition of Homo Superior. People like Franklin Richards, Deadpool, and even Juggernaut aren’t welcome in Krakoa, and yet Doop is. It could be Doop’s origin of being created in a lab where he gained powers that could range from magical to cosmic depending on the situation or that he is a mutation similar to other X-Men like Warlock, Broo, or Danger.

Although his appearance here is nothing more than a cameo with no effect on the ongoing story, Doop’s constant appearance on Krakoa, whether preparing for battle with the X-Men or celebrating, is strongly suggesting that he is indeed considered a mutant. Although the X-Men struggle to stand by their rules despite their own evolving prejudices, it’s nice to know that for all of Doop‘s hard work behind the scenes, his unorthodox support of the Marvel mutant community has earned him a place in their paradise, however long it will last.


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